Audio transcription process

Discussion in 'General' started by astonblake, Aug 25, 2012.

  1. astonblake

    astonblake Member

    Aug 10, 2012
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    Step 1:

    The place that is chosen for an interview or speech has to be calm and not a noisy one. Because, it requires quite a long time to transcribe an audio with noisy recording. The longer the time taken to transcribe, the more the money you have to offer and most of the transcription companies charge per hour for audio transcription. Recording the audio in a quiet place could decrease the transcribing time as well as charge you are going to pay.

    Step 2:

    It is quite important to choose the right recording equipment. Despite going for analog recorders, opt for digital recorders as the recording can be quite clear in them. Though the file size is found to be very large, it is quite necessary to go with them. There are companies like Olympus and Sony which offer variety of voice recorders and you can make use of anyone of them. Clear recording helps to speed up the transcribing process, thus resulting in a quick turnaround time.

    Step 3:

    Normally, transcribers do work in their own way. If you want the transcribed document to be in a specific file format, layout and fonts, it is essential to inform the transcribers at the time of placing the order. They will make a note of it and provide the exact type of transcribed document preferred by you.

    By following all these steps, you can help your transcription service providers to get back with a cost effective and accurate transcribed document in a short interval of time.
  2. Maggiemw

    Maggiemw User

    Aug 3, 2012
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    #2 Maggiemw, Aug 25, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 25, 2012
  3. chuck_h

    chuck_h User

    Jul 12, 2012
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  4. Maggiemw

    Maggiemw User

    Aug 3, 2012
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    Good point, Chuck_h!

    Or maybe he was just being a mini-megalo who enjoys seeing his sparklingly brilliant, copy-pasted post in print, live on his very own computer screen, for the edification of his friends and family...

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