$1 CrowdFlower - Write simple product descriptions

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by bootybitch, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned


    No requirements. 80-250 words. I assume they want proper English grammar as all links are heading to American sites and products.

    I don't know what the rejection/approval policy is on these, but I did a few last night and a few tonight. CF doesn't reject often. Simple enough, short product descriptions of speakers (I haven't seen anything other than that anyway).

    ETA after conversation below: Apparently they have some kind of internal qualifications, so good luck I guess!
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 10, 2012
  2. schlep

    schlep User

    Sounds like a real good gig for the writers out there. Sadly, I'd rather stab my inner thigh with a rusty fork than write more than a simple sentence. When it comes to writing, I'm like Bukowski's autistic bastard.
  3. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

    It's a cold day in Hell when CrowdFlower has better writing HITs than CrowdSource. You seem articulate enough to write about computer speakers, especially when 99% of the work is already done and just needs to be researched and reworded.
  4. schlep

    schlep User

    Yeah, as a noob I've already noticed that CF is cheap. I'll take a look. The only other thing I have going is CS's twenty-one cent gigs.
  5. schlep

    schlep User

    Snap! Denied! Funny tho', they ask me to accept the hit to see if I'm qualified. Click. "We accept as we think you're the greatest writer since Celine! We know you'll do a great job! Just click here to start." "Sorry you are not qualified for this job."

    They couldn't have just rejected me from the start? Savages.
  6. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

    Lmfao! Well shit I hate when they do that. Not sure what their quals are then... would be nice if they would specify somewhere before you could accept. Sorry hun!
  7. Stlrfn

    Stlrfn Banned

    Hmmm, CrowdFlower hits for more then 2 cents a minute? Let's see:

    when I accept:
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 10, 2012
  8. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

    WTF indeed! I've never even seen a CF writing HIT let alone worked on one. They haven't approved any that I've done so far... and their quality control and I don't always see eye-to-eye, so I dunno what's going on over there.
  9. HAHAH! I can write but I also feel the way you do- I would rather do just about anything else than write and be judged on it. No thanks!
  10. tanklasch

    tanklasch Active Member

    Same, qualified and then denied.... report broken? lol I just hate having my return rate go up
  11. chaos

    chaos User

    Same deal with me... said I was qualified, then when I clicked Agree or whatever the button was, it said I'm not qualified.
  12. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

    So weird. I wonder if anyone else is qualifed. I went to bed about 1 am and there were only 460 of these. I figured they'd be gone but I woke up and there's still the same number. I've only done 15, and the ones I did Thursday night have approved now. Wonder if they'll cut me off at a certain point and how many people are actually qualified for them.
  13. chaos

    chaos User

    Yeah I would like to know what their requirements for qualification are. If they want to restrict the workers that can do these, they should have some type of qualification test. I may not be a professional, but I've always done well with any of the writing HITs that I have submitted. In fact, I've never had a writing HIT rejected.
  14. tanklasch

    tanklasch Active Member

    Exactly, I hate to report a HIT, but it is not that informative on what specifically the prerequisites are. From my understanding CF is a good Requester? Why the broken HIT?
  15. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

    Uh, it's not broken, you're just not qualified. So please stop reporting it as broken -- I want to bank on these. Kthx
  16. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

    Note to self: Don't post anymore HITs :/
  17. chaos

    chaos User

    Haha yeah I don't get why anyone would report it. It's not broken, then just have it set up in a weird way as far as quals go. I would just like to know what those qualifications are, I want to get in on these!
  18. tanklasch

    tanklasch Active Member

    Well me too, but instead it added +1 to my returned hits, I did not report it, I was only suggesting the notion that it should be. However, I presume I am wrong in this instance. My express apologies.
  19. bredeanf

    bredeanf User

    I am actually a writer, graduate student in Fictional Writing, but I HATE any and all writing HITs...go figure.
  20. Ang

    Ang Member

    Told me I was not qualified right from the start, no jumping thru hopeful hoops here.

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