Help with Amazon Payments Verification for Mturk

Discussion in 'General' started by TobiasFunke, Jul 11, 2012.

  1. TobiasFunke

    TobiasFunke New Member

    I'm going through the verification process now and, though it took forever to get verified, there's only one thing left to do now. Amazon is requesting a photo ID/passport/other form of ID. Of course I have one, but what I wonder is, is this normal?

    Could anyone here break down their verification process and if they were asked for an ID? Thanks!
  2. RonPaul

    RonPaul User

    i dont remember having to provide ID... are you American?
  3. DK713

    DK713 Active Member

    I had to provide my driver's license number, but I didn't have to send them a copy. I live in the US.
  4. chaos

    chaos User

    I think Amazon must just have a special arrangement with my bank or something, because my "verification" was just logging into my bank account through amazon.
  5. TobiasFunke

    TobiasFunke New Member

    I am American. It seems more recently, people have had to sign up with more information. Or at least, that's what I've been told. Still very odd.

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