New to forum. Here's my 20 days total

Discussion in 'Statistics' started by chimbooze, Jul 5, 2012.

  1. chimbooze

    chimbooze Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2012
  2. Lana

    Lana User

    Nice! I would do more transcription work, but I've got a 14 month old who just figured out that he can scream in a really high-pitched voice. ;) I can do the little 1 to 2 minute jobs, but, man, I wish I could sit down and invest some time in it. SpeechInk looks like they pay really well.

    You're doing really great! I have 2,443 approved HITs and I've only made $154.37 so far. Keep doin' what you're doin'! :eek:
  3. Zippo369

    Zippo369 Member

    I'm new to Mturk; i'm trying make my way into Speechink. I'm still earning their qualifications; i ended up getting an 81 on the Practice test, not good enough to start making hits. I'm trying to get comfortable with their format or style for transcriptions. Any tips chimbooze? You've done a great job so far.:cool:
  4. dougylicious

    dougylicious Member

    That's a lot of HITs that you completed for that amount lol. I only have 487 approved with a balance of $140.05. This stuff takes time :(
  5. Scott

    Scott User

    That is nice! - If i had time to sit as well and do the transcribing work i would! I have about 2500 submitted and only $60 in earnings.
  6. Lana

    Lana User

    It really is... a lot of them have been Redwood and Oscar Smith HITs. My attention span is pretty short (14 month old at home!) so I can't dedicate any time to writing jobs, or even transcription jobs that last longer than a minute or two.

    Luckily I just do mturk for fun, mostly, to try and supplement the husband's income. ;) Or, at least make up for what I do spend at the grocery store. LOL. :D
  7. chimbooze

    chimbooze Member

    30 days update. I hit the $500 and 1000 hits approved milestones.

    Those NetMSI hits really drove up my hit counts and total earned. I also did a couple of really high paying transcription hits the last couple of days. All in all it was a really lucrative start to July.
  8. chaos

    chaos User

    Awesome numbers for only 30 days on Turk. It took me something like 3.5 months to hit $500, though the first month and a half I only did about $50 because I was turking maybe 2 or 3 days a week.
  9. writermom

    writermom Active Member

    Great job chimbooze!
  10. Rastadata

    Rastadata New Member

    Are you all doing Speechink, transcribing or editing? I think you make more money transcribing. With 11 hits, in the last 45 days I have made $204.09. I do editing some where else and I get paid less. I really love editing, it is pretty nice and easy, but the money is in transcribing which can be very hard at times.
  11. nodnizzle

    nodnizzle User

    You did a fantastic job, I made nowhere near that when I first started!

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