New requester: Need feedback on why my HITs do not get done!!

Discussion in 'Requesters' started by Ahmed Elgohary, Apr 30, 2019.

  1. Ahmed Elgohary

    Ahmed Elgohary Requester

    Apr 21, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Hi All,

    I started my first batch of a 100 HITs last Sunday afternoon and so far got only 68 of them submitted.
    I was planning to launch 11,000 HITs of the same type but wanted to do see how worker do on a small batch first. The submission rate is pretty concerning to me. I was expecting the 100 HITs to get done in a couple of hours. I pay $0.25 for each HIT (which should take 2 to 3 minutes to complete).
    The HITs are posted at

    I'd appreciate any feedback or advice on how I would get more people to work on my HITs. Thanks,
  2. Flora

    Flora Admin
    Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2012
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    Hi, Welcome to the forum and thanks for posting.

    I haven't tried your batch but I looked into why they aren't being done. Some workers have left feedback explaining why. Those below are from workers who returned your HIT with these comments. Hope this helps.

    14 hours ago said:

    Impossible to submit any rewritten questions.

    19 hours ago said:

    [Marked Underpaid @ $3.53/hr]
    If they already know what needs to be changed enough to stop you from ever submitting it, why are they paying us to do it? Doesn't let you submit, something is always flagged.
    a day ago said:

    No matter what I do, it won't let me submit the HIT. It's saying some of my edits are invalid.

    2 days ago said:

    [Marked Underpaid @ $1.90/hr]
    Unclear and unable to adhere to instructions without being flagged as not following instructions
    2 days ago said:

    [Marked Underpaid @ $0.59/hr]
    These are horrible. You have to edit 7 sentences and then it will tell you some of them are wrong but now which ones.
    14 hours ago

    [Marked Underpaid @ $3.22/hr]
    Did everything it asked and still kept getting "Some of the edits are invalid. Please, check the instructions and try again." Cutting my losses and returning this one.
  3. Ahmed Elgohary

    Ahmed Elgohary Requester

    Apr 21, 2019
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    Thanks a lot for sharing the comments. These are very useful for me to know what went wrong with the HITs.
    Is there a way for me to access these comments?
  4. Flora

    Flora Admin
    Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2012
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    Yes you can by signing up for TurkerView as a requester and be able to view and respond to these comments. On the top right on the red square, you can sign up through there.

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