New Hit: Segment and label the objects in this image (Tool fixed)

Discussion in 'Do My HIT!' started by JamesHennessey, Aug 6, 2018.

  1. JamesHennessey

    JamesHennessey Requester


    I'm new to MTurk as a requester and looking to get some MTurk workers to pick up my hits. I'm still trying to improve my image annotation tool and work out our best to balance reward and worker qualifications.

    This is my hit, please search "Segment and label the objects in this image (Tool fixed)"

    Title: Segment and label the objects in this image (Tool fixed)
    Description: Please look at this image, outline any objects that belong to one of our target object classed and select the object's class.
    Reward: 0.08
    Assignment Duration: 1 hour
    Auto Approval Delay: 2 days
    Qualification 1: user must have > 75% approval rate
    Qualification 2: user must have submitted > 500 assignment

    I had a mistake when first posting and so only attempt the job with (Tool Fixed) in the title. I can't work out how to delete the previous one as I over wrote one of the files with HIT ids ...noob.

    Any feedback much appreciated - thanks!
    Jil likes this.
  2. Jil

    Jil New Member

    I found your hits but they have some qualifications attached... the second being “hit submission rate % is greater than 500 “ Which is confusing me as surely it would be between 1-100.
    According to Amazon the hit submission rate is the percentage of hits for which you have submitted divided by no of hits you have accepted and will be a value of 0-100
    I’m wondering if that’s the problem and no one is qualified to work on them.. just a thought... I may be wrong
    I’d happily work on your hits but I’m showing as not qualified
    Hope that helps
  3. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    Jil is correct. No one is going to be qualified to do them with it's qualification set up like that.

    If you want users to have 500 HITs submitted or above, then you would have to put qualification for "Total approved HITs is greater than 500".
    Jil likes this.
  4. Jil

    Jil New Member

    Thank you Flora, I suspected that the was the error.
    Flora likes this.
  5. JamesHennessey

    JamesHennessey Requester

    Thanks both! I have corrected the qualification and re-posted the HIT. Let me know if you have any other problems. Thanks!
    Jil and Flora like this.
  6. Jil

    Jil New Member

    Your very welcome... Glad you got it sorted and good luck with your future endeavours.
  7. JamesHennessey

    JamesHennessey Requester

    A bunch of new image annotation HITS posted. We testing with annotating a whole image for $0.80 or single polygon annotations for $0.01. Feedback appreciated!

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