Finding Great HITs 01/08 Marigold Marigold Mushy Monday

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Tjbot, Jan 8, 2018.

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  1. Tjbot

    Tjbot Thread Starter Extraordinaire

    This thread is a placeholder!
    What is this?

    I am Tjbot! I'm a solution devised by the genious mods to prevent there ever being a day that hit threads aren't posted! The whole point of my existence is to post a hit thread if one doesn't exist by 12:08am PST. If you see this post, assume that this one is the main post. One of the mod team will clean up existing posts and consolidate once they wake up and get online. As my name indicates, I am a bot. I don't post, nor do I respond to PM's. If you have any problems, send an email to or PM Tjololo, he can help out with any issues.
    Want to make tomorrow's thread? Just go for it!
  2. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member


    This week people go back to colleges. Hopefully there'll be more work.
  3. alijit12

    alijit12 User

    morning, are the new scripts out? i got turkmaster but i can`t add anything (or i don`t know how) i can`t see the "watch this" button. can someone help? thanks
  4. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    Morning! Since we changed to worker site, scripts have been adjusted for the new site. There is a thread with updates scripts.

    I'm not sure about Turkmaster since I don't use it anymore. I see that it was updated recently 5 days ago if you haven't updated it. If it continues to be problematic, I suggest Panda Crazy.
  5. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    Title: 7-Minute Consumer Experience Survey - 180108(~ 7 minutes) | AcceptA
    Requester: Zhongqiang Huang [A1C8ZTH39EDBSM] Contact
    TO: [Pay: 2.48] [Fast: 4.67] [Comm: 3.00] [Fair: 4.82] [Reviews: 74] [ToS: 4]
    TO2: [Hrly: ---] [Pen: ---] [Res: ---] [Rec: ---] [Rej: 0] [ToS: 0] [Brk: 0]
    Duration: 2 hours
    Available: 1
    Description: In this study, participants will be asked to respond to consumption and social experience questions. There are no right or wrong answers and we are only interested in what you would do in these situations.
    Requirements: Exc: [69847-69674] DoesNotExist; Total approved HITs GreaterThanOrEqualTo 1000; HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThanOrEqualTo 90
  6. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    Title: Tell us your shopping opinions! | AcceptA
    Requester: Elizabeth Friedman [A4W6F7C8EKV44] Contact
    TO: [Pay: 3.69] [Fast: 4.20] [Comm: 3.00] [Fair: 4.76] [Reviews: 74] [ToS: 1]
    TO2: [Hrly: $3.67] [Pen: ---] [Res: ---] [Rec: ---] [Rej: 0] [ToS: 0] [Brk: 0]
    Duration: 1 hour
    Available: 1
    Description: Tell us your shopping opinions in a series of easy questions!
    Requirements: HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThanOrEqualTo 95; Location EqualTo US
  7. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    Title: Find associated product information for a given barcode value | PANDA
    Requester: Amazon Requester Inc. - Visual Search [A2QXTI4H4W71Q4] (Contact) (Req TV): N/A
    (TO): [Pay: 4.18] [Fair: 4.64] [Comm: 1.75] [Fast: 3.59]
    Find associated product information for a given barcode value and provide product title and source url where the information was found
    Time: 1 hour(s)
    HITs Available: 2662
    Reward: $0.10
    Qualifications: Location In US-AKUS-AZUS-CA; Masters Exists; Location EqualTo US;
  8. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    Title: Alien Language Game | PANDA
    Requester: Michael Hahn [A2I7MGVA4ZSZL0] (Contact) (Req TV): $11.94/hr
    (TO): [Pay: 3.73] [Fair: 5.00] [Comm: 5.00] [Fast: 5.00]
    Learn a few alien words
    Time: 50 minutes(s)
    HITs Available: 1
    Reward: $3.60
    Qualifications: HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThanOrEqualTo 95; Location EqualTo US;
  9. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    Title: Survey about world knowledge | PANDA
    Requester: RC [AL2FIUFGP4HJT] (Contact) (Req TV): $16.88/hr
    (TO): [Pay: 3.71] [Fair: 3.64] [Comm: 3.00] [Fast: 4.08]
    In this survey you are asked to rate the importance of certain things, from 1 ("doesn't matter") to 5 ("matters a lot").
    Time: 20 minutes(s)
    HITs Available: 1
    Reward: $2.30
    Qualifications: Total approved HITs GreaterThan 5000; HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThanOrEqualTo 98; Location EqualTo US;
  10. jenni3kat

    jenni3kat User

    Go Dawgs.
    tscreener likes this.
  11. tscreener

    tscreener User

    Good Morning!

    Title: Read a summary and a part of a novel and decide the context and time flow | PANDA
    Requester: Liu Jean [AZSQJORHPRHZ7] (Contact) (Req TV): $17.02/hr
    (TO): [Pay: 5.00] [Fair: 5.00] [Comm: 5.00] [Fast: 4.75]
    You will read a summary and a part of a novel, and decide to which summary sentences two paragraph of the novel are related. Also, you will decide if there is a temporal leap in between those two paragraphs.
    Time: 2 hour(s)
    HITs Available: 1
    Reward: $0.75
    Qualifications: HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThan 95; Location EqualTo US;
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2018
    Seeker Vayne likes this.
  12. bergskey

    bergskey User

    Haven't turked since before the change over, this is a huge adjustment. Is there an updated script to show the auto approve time for hits? I also am not seeing turkopticon information anymore. Those are the two things I used the most to figure out it I'm going to do a hit
    tscreener likes this.
  13. tscreener

    tscreener User

    The good news is TO is available...the bad news is there is no more AA. It's been stripped from the information available to the script writers. If you click on the link in Flora's sig she has all the updates and what works on the new site.
    bergskey likes this.
  14. tscreener

    tscreener User

    About a min.

    Title: Evaluate Faces(~ 5 minutes) | PANDA
    Requester: Decision Making Studies [A39X5CLP2M542M] (Contact) (Req TV): N/A
    (TO): [Pay: 4.07] [Fair: 5.00] [Comm: 3.00] [Fast: 4.88]
    Evaluate 5 faces
    Time: 30 minutes(s)
    HITs Available: 4
    Reward: $0.40
    Qualifications: Exc: [58113216-69653] DoesNotExist; Total approved HITs GreaterThanOrEqualTo 50; HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThanOrEqualTo 60; Location In US;
  15. tscreener

    tscreener User

    Title: Science News(~ 15 minutes) | PANDA
    Requester: Stephanie Anglin [A3LCRM9ZRBF9R7] (Contact) (Req TV): N/A
    (TO): [Pay: 5.00] [Fair: 5.00] [Comm: 0.00] [Fast: 5.00]
    In this study, you will read and answer questions about hypothetical scientific research. The survey will take about 15 minutes to complete.
    Time: 1 hour(s)
    HITs Available: 42
    Reward: $2.00
    Qualifications: Exc: [69788-69199] DoesNotExist; HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThanOrEqualTo 95; Location In US;

    Around 12 or 13 min.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2018
    rscaper1070 likes this.
  16. tscreener

    tscreener User

    Title: Read a summary and a part of a novel and decide the context and time flow | PANDA
    Requester: Liu Jean [AZSQJORHPRHZ7] (Contact) (Req TV): $17.02/hr
    (TO): [Pay: 5.00] [Fair: 5.00] [Comm: 5.00] [Fast: 4.75]
    You will read a summary and a part of a novel, and decide to which summary sentences two paragraph of the novel are related. Also, you will decide if there is a temporal leap in between those two paragraphs.
    Time: 2 hour(s)
    HITs Available: 1
    Reward: $0.75
    Qualifications: HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThan 95; Location EqualTo US;

    Title: Performance and Logical Reasoning (~ 20 minutes) | PANDA
    Requester: Marie-Claire Kabengele [A1BUG2GYGC4XOM] (Contact) (Req TV): $7.75/hr
    (TO): [Pay: 5.00] [Fair: 5.00] [Comm: 0.00] [Fast: 5.00]
    This study aims to understand the processes underlying performance in logical reasoning tasks as well as predict career success in young professionals.
    Time: 1 hour(s)
    HITs Available: 1
    Reward: $1.80
    Qualifications: Total approved HITs GreaterThanOrEqualTo 100; Exc: [2206200-69618] DoesNotExist; HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThanOrEqualTo 80; Location In US;
  17. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    When I see the title of a HIT that says, "Recall..."

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