Options for fixing my account (if they exist)

Discussion in 'General' started by originalturker, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. Hi all! First off, I've been lurking and using this forum as a reference for a bunch of stuff for a while, and it has been super helpful! You all are pretty great.

    I started using mTurk when it got originally launched back in 2005. I can barely remember what the HITs were then, except they were all posted by Amazon themselves, and were related to analyzing street photos for some Amazon project. I did a lot of those (from my records it was around 8600 HITs). Unfortunately back then, the QA was spotty so rejections were common. I racked up 810 of them. Of course approval rating didn't have any bearing on what you could accept back then, so it didn't matter.

    Fast forward to now, when approval rating does matter and I decide to try turking again. I've been at it for a couple of weeks and have worked my way up to 11,815 approved/813 rejected (93.5% approval), but it is brutal the amount of accepted HITs I have to do to fix my old "sins". I can see myself getting up to at least 95%, but obviously it is going to be harder to tick up the percentage points the higher I get.

    Has anyone else been in this situation? It sucks that rejections seem to be on your record forever, I mean it's been over 7 years now! There should be a statute of limitations. :) I'd even be willing to start over, but that doesn't seem possible.
  2. I have been to this kind of situation, when I got a mass rejection of about 250 hit, my approval rates fell down from 98 to 89..... it took me a lot of hard work to bring it back to the current approval rate I have now(98.2%). I suggest you to do some batch hits like oscar smith to increase your numbers.
  3. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    I'm having the same problem. Just started turking again for the first time in 6-7 years. I also did those street photo HITs from when it first launched and when rejections were more common. Good news is I already have over 24,000 HITs submitted. Bad news is I also have 1700 rejections (93% approval). Some quick math tells me I won't be able to get back around 95% until I submit atleast 10,000 more HITs and 98% won't be possible until over 100,000 total submitted. Not sure if its even worth it.
  4. ewd76

    ewd76 User

    That's really depressing to read.
  5. mischa

    mischa User

    I've switched gears lately, but when low-paying batch hits are available, 1,000 hits a day isn't hard to hit. At that rate, you've racked up 100,000 in 100 days (if my math is right). Of course, that's barring rejections. But having a massive hit cushion lets you Turk with impunity (practically). Any way, if you're looking at it long term, sacrificing a few months to build that pad and percentage rate isn't a big commitment.
  6. Scott

    Scott User

    I was in the same boat.. in 2005 I also was hit with rejections and was down to about 85%! I did lots of the penny hits, and yes even some Oscars to get back up to 95% in about 3 months. (I work 40+ outside the home) Then i am now over 97% - My math says I need about 2900 more approved hits to get back to 98% and 16000~ to be above 99%.

    Its possible.. just to work hard.
  7. Khalinov

    Khalinov User

    It’s very possible over the long term. But there is no quick fix.

    15447 / 16260 = 0.95
    16260 - 15447 = 813

    and you are at 11815 approvals, so

    15447 - 11815 = 3632 more to go (ignoring any rounding by AMT). 100 a day for a month gets you close.

    Assuming no more rejections, of course.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 7, 2013
  8. Yeah, I figured it would just be a long slog. :(

    Criminals get paroled easier than it is to get rejections worked off your account. :)
  9. I call BS.;)

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