How Much Are You Gonna Make Today??

Discussion in 'Statistics' started by Playa_hamm420, May 4, 2012.

  1. chaos

    chaos User

    Nice job! Once you get to 1000 HITS it seems to just come faster and faster. I just hit 1000 maybe a little over a week ago (which took me more than 2 months to get to), and I've already gotten over 3000 since then.
  2. chaos

    chaos User

    I just might get over $10 for the day afterall, currently sitting at about $9.25.

    There are still over 10,000 porn hits to do, but I think I'm burned out on those for the time being. I just did 100 of them.
  3. fnrhcp

    fnrhcp Member

    I cant take the porn hits seriously, I am not that creative. I really like the medical types/ agents HIT crowdflower has at the moment though. Putting my biomedicall science degree to use.
  4. chaos

    chaos User

    Well I guess that's why it's easy to me, I don't take them seriously. I just access my dirty side and type out the first thing I think of when I see the scene.

    I tend to just completely ignore the crowdflower hits unless it's one of those days where there is absolutely nothing else to do. Occasionally they may post some decent ones, but the vast majority offer way too little pay for the amount of time it takes to complete a hit.
  5. DK713

    DK713 Active Member

    I'm currently at $8.27, all porn hits, GAH MY BRAIN >.<!!!

    I think I'm going to go translate some stuff from Spanish to English before my head implodes.
  6. Luminaden

    Luminaden New Member


    I would do more of the descriptive porn hits but i have to stop and fap every other one and 10 mins isnt enough time to fap and write a description lol... today's projected 50 hits $20
  7. DK713

    DK713 Active Member

    Fortunately for me, there's nothing in any of them that I find even remotely appealing. I just spit out whatever cringeworthy phrase comes to mind first, switch out a couple of words to make it funnier, and hit "Submit."

    ($10.14, now, and some very religious letters from some little kids will make it to their English-speaking sponsors)
  8. iceblink

    iceblink User

    hahahahahaha this made me laugh.. ;D Usually they're weird ladyboy or gimp scenes so that's not a problem but this last set of 18+ scenes, some of em were pretty hot hahahaha

    Today's Projected Earnings $7.05

    So far today not that bad for a saturday morning..
  9. aswathy

    aswathy Banned

  10. My Yesterday's Projected Earnings $25.09.
  11. +1 for the LOL
  12. Well now we know which one of us spends more time on the tranny hits :p
  13. DK713

    DK713 Active Member


    I'm disappointed. I haven't gotten any tranny HITs, yet.
  14. Projected till now 1.20$

    very bad day *weep*
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 7, 2012
  15. chaos

    chaos User

    10 cents so far today... damn.
  16. Everyday is not a Friday, be patience, we'll find good hits from Monday and chaos you too.
  17. subhanayagam

    subhanayagam New Member

    hai i am new to mturk shall u guide me what r the easiast hit and how shoud i complete it
  18. Today's Projected Earnings $0
  19. Today is definitely not a friday :D
  20. DK713

    DK713 Active Member

    Same here. I'm in the middle of running all kinds of errands. Several requesters paid today, though :D

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