You have already completed the maximum number of HITs allowed by this requester.

Discussion in 'General' started by lxjordanxl, Apr 28, 2014.

  1. lxjordanxl

    lxjordanxl User

    Hey guys,

    Just received this message today when I tried to work on a survey. "You have already completed the maximum number of HITs allowed by this requester. Please click 'Return HIT' to avoid any impact on your approval rating."

    I'm worried that the more survey's I do, the more I will begin seeing this message and therefore decrease my chances of hitting my daily goals. Should I be worried? Thanks in advance.
  2. wvd1979

    wvd1979 Member

    I wouldn't worry too much. There are a couple of things I do to prevent this:

    One thing you can do is search by newest HIT's first. That way some of the older surveys won't pop up. It's not 100% foolproof when the surveys get reposted, but it helps.

    Another thing you can do is jot down a list of the requestors whose surveys you did for the week. That helps to prevent me from clicking on the same people over and over.

    Surveys are just like any other job. Sometimes there are plenty of them, sometimes the work "dries up".

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