Weekly Report

Discussion in 'Statistics' started by razorbacks0121, Nov 4, 2012.

  1. Wasn't as great as I hoped for, but hoping to hit $300. this coming week and from now on. I had several interruptions this week, including hospital visit, dentist appointment, and an out of town trip.

    Approvals and payments that occurred this week:
    - Number of HITs approved: 7,913
    - Number of HITs rejected: 2
    - Bonus reward earned: $0.60
    - HIT reward earned: $202.18
    - Total Amount earned this week: $202.78
  2. ivycreek

    ivycreek User

    Nice! I look forward to the day I can open up a report like that! ;)
  3. naturegirl

    naturegirl User

    Good work, razorbacks!

    You have an impressively high HIT count there, so clearly you're using a totally different philosophy than mine. So, for comparison, I'll put a report up, too.

    I have not been able to Turk more than a few hours in each of the last couple of weeks, for various reasons. But the most recent week that I worked most days was the one ending October 20, when I worked somewhere between 13 and 15 hours total:

    Your HIT activity for this week:
    - Number of HITs submitted: 189

    Approvals and payments that occurred this week:
    - Number of HITs approved: 157
    - Number of HITs rejected: 0
    - Bonus reward earned: $13.28
    - HIT reward earned: $136.58
    - Total Amount earned this week: $149.86

    As mentioned above, I'm very part-time at Turking. That week, it was writing (no CrowdSource yet that week) and transcription HITs, plus a handful of assorted others thrown in if I found something that looked fun.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 4, 2012
  4. Your HIT activity for this week:
    - Number of HITs submitted: 7,066

    Approvals and payments that occurred this week:
    - Number of HITs approved: 6,994
    - Number of HITs rejected: 1
    - Bonus reward earned: $0.40
    - HIT reward earned: $275.25
    - Total Amount earned this week: $275.65
  5. That's pretty impressive for the amount of hits. Yes, we obviously have two different strategies, as long as they both work! After my pending hits go through, I should be about $250.-$275. for the week. So my strategy pays comparably better, but you obviously put less time into yours! You did great for the amount of hits you did. But I have noticed by doing more batch hits, and building up your status, there are a lot more oppritunitys that open up, so that might be something to look into if you haven't built your stats. Other then that, looks excellent!
  6. naturegirl

    naturegirl User

    Nice going, Abdulsalam!

    I was thinking it might be even more helpful to note whether we're full- or part-time Turkers, so people who are looking at the thread can compare based on what they do. Shall we, everyone? I'll edit my post to be more specific.
  7. That's impressive. Comparable to mine after all my pending hits go through! Good job! Keep turking hard!
  8. I obviously am full time turking on my end for refference to others. Naturegirl, I meant to ask you. What kind of writing hits do you do? I'm starting to write quite a bit more. I been doing a little of David's writing assignments. They pay fairly well, 2.50-10.00 a piece and usually in between 250 and 750 words. If you having organizational skills, quick thinking and ideas, and precise writing skills, then that's the way to go! I'm practicing on them skills also! My goal is by the middle of next year, to be earning $350.-$450. a week.
  9. naturegirl

    naturegirl User

    Thank you. ;) Yeah, I'm happy with making at least $10/hour. I don't have time to Turk full-time to make that money! I'm at 3417 approved and 99.7% approvals. Did used to be interested in batch HITs, but not since I realized I could make low-volume work, without having to push harder to get to certain HIT levels.

    Thanks for starting the thread!
  10. naturegirl

    naturegirl User

    After the week I did those stats that I posted, I received the CrowdSource Top Tier qual. If you check out how much those HITs pay, you'll understand why I don't look elsewhere on MTurk for writing HITs any longer! But before that, I did some David Matchett (not sure if that's who you mean by "David"), some John Gaddy, and anything else that came up and looked quick to do, considering the task and work. That's what it's all about for any HIT, right? Make sure it pays the best you can find for the time it takes. And to find them, just keep searching MTurk for all variations of "writing" that you can think of.

    It's true what everyone says: writing and MTurk transcription are where the real money is. So if you're headed in that direction, good for you.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 4, 2012
  11. ewd76

    ewd76 User

    I'm not, which is why I'll never make much on MTurk even with working at least several hours a day..
  12. laneuffer

    laneuffer Banned

    Off week for me.. but still okay to most people I guess.

    8,138 approved
    1 rejected
    $1.20 bonus earned
    Hit reward earned $350.65
  13. Nice. What batches do you touch?
  14. naturegirl

    naturegirl User


    I'm not quoting you because there is no way any of that information you just gave should ever be made public again. :) It is much too directly informative about your account.

    If you're sincerely trying to get your problems fixed, rather than increase them, I encourage you to take it all off the forum as soon as you see this. Edit your post, please, for your own sake.

    And also, we probably cannot specifically help you here. No one here works for MTurk. But someone might be happy to go and claim your account if you continue to flash all your identifying info like that.

    Sorry---I might be able to give you a better answer once I am less worried for you!
  15. laneuffer

    laneuffer Banned

    TLR, Freya, CS, CF, Social Media Research, Dodds

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