websites like mturk

Discussion in 'General' started by shariqueahmer, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. shariqueahmer

    shariqueahmer Banned

    Please share all the websites that are similar to mturk or any other interesting online micro work site.
  2. This is intended to share infos on turking and topics associated with that...and not some CrowdSourcing or online money earning forum to discuss about things that do not deal with mturk...I simply have an urge to discourage this thread !!
  3. shariqueahmer

    shariqueahmer Banned

    But for the greater interest of the community, we should share that information.
  4. I agree this is an mturk forum dedicated to mturk.. if u wanna discuss other sites theres plenty of other forums dedicated to them.
  5. mailtosudhas

    mailtosudhas Member

    I too think this is the right place to discuss about mturk so please don't engage any other other topics inside this forum
  6. hapless

    hapless Guest

    Perhaps that's true although AFAIK there may be some microwork sites that don't yet have "forums dedicated to them" specifically.
  7. Ganesh

    Ganesh User

    Mturk is Best.

    Hi Friends,

    Many other websites provide jobs like MTurk. but no one can defeat our Mturk. If somebody ask me to List the Top 5 Online/Part time Jobs Website. i will list like this
    1. Mturk
    2. Mturk
    3. Mturk
    4. Mturk
    5. Mturk
  8. Just Google! That's what I did and I joined a few that are available but my experience is that none of them have any work to do.

    I agree, this forum should be about MTurk only. Lots of "earn at home" forums will cater for your question.
  9. Scott

    Scott User

    This should be moved to a different area of the forum. But there are older threads that discuss this.

    But I can see the want to have a "backup" to all of this :)
  10. Whimsy

    Whimsy User


    Other sites have been mentioned in other threads, it's just a matter of looking for/finding them. Between this thread and the other, it seems like you're trying to just harvest the information other members have. Yes, it would be a jump-start to your turking but I don't see a lot of people just handing it over if you don't appear to be proactive, as well.
  11. hapless

    hapless Guest

    Really? None of them? I was thinking of checking one out sometime (MobileWorks, after reading a recent article about them) but if you're sure they have no work to do, then I won't bother. ;-)
  12. Well, perhaps I haven't found the best places, or perhaps for whatever reasons I don't qualify for jobs and others might do, but the only other site I use currently has 76 jobs available to me and 99% of those I won't do as you need an open Facebook profile or to sign up to something dodgy with real email etc.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2012
  13. suriya01

    suriya01 Active Member

    1) rewarding ways

    2) get paid treasure

    3) clickworkers

    4) shorttask

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