The (unofficial) official Get to know your fellow Turker Thread!!

Discussion in 'General' started by Moutheater, Oct 20, 2012.

  1. I think I am the only single one in here :(
  2. I'm a chick!! lol
    I put a pic on my profile.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 21, 2012
  3. You're not. And it's nice to be drama free!! So don't be sad. :)
  4. chuck_h

    chuck_h User

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with being single if you're female; it just means that you've set your standards high and won't compromise them.

    If you're single and male, however, it means that no female has set her standards low enough for you to meet them.;)
  5. Dallasa

    Dallasa User

    Ouch, well that's one way to look at it I guess... :eek: lol
  6. Mumuudd

    Mumuudd User

    OK (originally from Jakarta, Indonesia)
    Full-time parent to a 3 yo little girl
  7. Kyle

    Graphic Designer/Website Designer/Gamer

    Went to college for Information Technology, although decided against doing that with my life. Throughly enjoy graphic designing though! =)
  8. What's your favorite game?
  9. i thought for sure you were a male! I was right on the age range though :) lol
  10. pcereola

    pcereola User

    New Hampshire
    Stay at home mom to 3 kids, ages 9,6, and 4
    I've been using Mturk to make extra money for over a year now and just found this forum.
    I mostly stick with the surveys but the other night I tried some Lindsey batches, I don't know how some of you do hundreds of them, I did 50 and it took me over an hour at least:)
  11. welcome to the forum! When it comes to batch hits the speed improves over time. I completed over 500 of the Lindsay hits the other night by different search short cuts.. make sure to read the requesters threads and daily great hits threads and you will earn a lot :)
  12. ivycreek

    ivycreek User

    NAME Bruce
    AGE 52
    EGF MN
    Sports Editor
  13. Neona

    Neona User

    Name Neona
    40+ yrs old

    Currently doing odds and ends from home - strong background in customer service but its been a few years since I've had the 9-5 go to the office kind of job. I figure if I can keep the bills paid and set my own hours, all the better.

    I have a twenty yr old son in college who is zapping all my income so I am looking at Mturks to help pick up those expenses.
  14. anne53

    anne53 User

    Yeah! Someone else like me! On this earth a bit longer anyway...59 and the local crazy lady as in I feed the cats on my street in Ohio. Or I'm one who does...Wiley the coyote. I tend to get into surveys. Batches are tedious, sometimes fun but I can only handle a few at a time. Photography keeps me busy. Cats and republicans are my features and not necessarily in that order.
  15. Moutheater

    Moutheater User

    I agree!

    That's so coooooold.

    Welcome you guys ^^

    Since salad started the ball rolling I'm gonna post the bump. (Aka goddamnit husband why are you 6'3" I am only 5'0" WHAT EVEN IS YOUR BABY EATING IN THERE)
  16. Moutheater

    Moutheater User

    Thank you. I think I need a haircut soon, lol.
  17. Kris

    Kris User

    Advantages of older children: My 16-year-old just gave me an excellent trim this afternoon. I love not having to spend money for a decent cut.
  18. Mumuudd

    Mumuudd User

    Lolol, I always knew you're a female (duh!) :p
  19. skyfireflies

    skyfireflies Member

    Unemployed, been job searching for about 9 months and still nothing. Looking into school for around this time next year for a CS degree.
    Favorite cartoon growing up: Hey Arnold
    Favorite school subject: Physiology or Latin.
    Favorite animal: Cats!

    Favorite type of HIT: Surveys when they're lucrative, but batches are fine if I have the concentration for them at the time.
    Requester: Geoffrey Falk (I made a ton off of those tweet hits, and they approved so fast!)

    Misc Talent you possess: Umm...I can tie a cherry stem with my tongue? LOL. I'm not a person of many talents.

    Picture (not my most recent, but the one I like best of myself)


    Uploaded with

    I've mostly been a lurker so far, but I'm pretty antisocial, so it's a hard habit to break. ^_^;;; I'm working on it, though!

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