
Discussion in 'General' started by naisybee, Jan 3, 2013.


Should signatures by restricted in size?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. naisybee

    naisybee - Don't Blink -

    I agree this time. You're second one wasn't offensive at all. Just overly large and annoying, like mikes is now...
  2. ChrisM77

    ChrisM77 Banned

    It's completely impossible. Please don't make me be provocational if you say otherwise.
  3. Andy

    Andy Administrator Staff Member

    Because your signature was a commentary on mike's signature. This kind of commentary is unnecessary and is the reason for this thread where we are discussing signature limitations.
  4. Cowfin

    Cowfin Community Manager Staff Member

    As a temporary solution, can we block all signatures for now? That would be the first step to a solution in my eyes.
  5. Andy

    Andy Administrator Staff Member

    You are free to block signatures via your control panel. As far as signature limitations go, I will probably be making a decision tonight.
  6. This thread is sad as hell.

    Holy crap, people...
  7. ewd76

    ewd76 User

    I really hadn't ever noticed. I don't think I've ever even read anyone's signature. I voted yes, because it really wouldn't be a bad idea, but if there had been a "don't care" option I'd have probably gone for that.
  8. jenni3kat

    jenni3kat User

    I didn't even know this existed
  9. ChrisM77

    ChrisM77 Banned

    a big set of testicles would help it
  10. MikeTurk24

    MikeTurk24 Banned

  11. naisybee

    naisybee - Don't Blink -

  12. l1n7

    l1n7 User

    I kind of dont care either. my opinion is this really isn't a big problem now. The people that had the obnoxious sigs were obviously doing it on purpose because of another "argument" and now since they've been called out and sigs were removed i think there's nothing to worry about. but since sig rules have to be made, i still voted yes. i don't care what's in the sig either but just imagine if every single one of us had a sig as big as mike's. but like i said before, it's never really been a big problem from what i've seen. there's only a few people (i think only 2 actually) that have been called out on sigs. AND i think it was more of what was said in the sig instead of the font size that annoyed everyone so... i think if people have shit in their sig that is obviously there to annoy others, we should just PM andy and maybe he can give them a warning or something... ? edit: by warning, i mean ask him/her to remove it

    and whoever mentioned we shouldn't curse, fuck that.

    and of course that's just my input. :D

    Everyone needs to [​IMG]
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 3, 2013
  13. Ok, I'm pretty sure I haven't made a single 100% serious post on this site before. First time for everything.

    Are you people kidding me? I'm pretty sure mTurk is for 18+ but here we are bitching about SIGNATURES AND WHETHER SOMEONE IS 'BAITING' US? If anyone seriously PMs Andy over something that someone said on here, or with some complaint about a sig, that's just ridiculous. Someone says something that makes you mad? The great thing about a forum is, you can 100% ignore it. You can laugh about it. You can do literally anything...and you resort to this display of stupid juvenile bullshit?

    I've got an idea, leave the signatures, leave the open-ended discussion, and we act like the adults we supposedly are. For me to say "act like an adult" is pretty sad...I'm immature as hell, but come on, it's really easy to not get involved in random crap like this...

    For example, I took a little shot at a member earlier today ("Also, cry me a river", admittedly immature as hell) and they started ranting a bit like this and many other forums are wont to do. Well, I mean, I guess I could have argued back and sounded very serious and adult-like, but that would have only served to feed the bullshit. Or, I could just tell the person they are loved and they make everyone's day better yadda yadda and everything stops there. I mean, how is the other person going to keep it going at that point?

    I'm not saying you have to be weird like me...but just stop being such little bitches all of the time and getting butthurt about every. little. damn. thing. How is it even possible to take everything so seriously? Just quit feeding the damned bullshit.

    Why can't we just make some money, joke around, and laugh at and/or ignore the people who don't want to join in? I'm losing hope in ya'll.
  14. Andy

    Andy Administrator Staff Member

    Please do not post private messages here. They are irrelevant to this thread:

  15. Andy

    Andy Administrator Staff Member

    Removed posts. Please take this up via the rep system or some other means. This thread is for signature limitation discussion. Not IQ discussion. If you post again here about another member or offtopic it will be removed and bans handed out. There is no reason that I should have to monitor this thread for 2 hours.
  16. Cowfin

    Cowfin Community Manager Staff Member

    How does everyone feel about ref links in signatures? It's a pet peeve of mine.
  17. Andy

    Andy Administrator Staff Member

    It is annoying, but I think it is okay. Allows you guys to earn a little.
  18. Khalinov

    Khalinov User

    Animated avatars are far more annoying than sigs, FWIW.

    The board settings allow you to turn off both. Those who want sigs and avatars can have them. Those who don’t can turn them off (as I do).

    Personally, I think profiles are a better spot for referral links. Aren’t there search engine implications for having a lot of different referral links?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 3, 2013
  19. naisybee

    naisybee - Don't Blink -

    I understand your point, but sometimes there's a lot of useful information in sigs. One person has a bunch of info about rubin hits, another about other money making opportunity, another about resources for turkers, etc. I should not have to miss out by turning them all off because of trolls with huge sigs..
  20. Time for the frog to put some ideas into play.

    All for it! Love this idea and it is a place that a lot of the bickering that DOES go on in the great hits section can go to.

    And if it does, insta-ban for a day. I think that everyone getting their panties in a twist would be more apt to behave if they had a place that they can go and complain.

    You know, I thought that this would have been a nice feature, until I seen some of the stuff that I was getting repped over. I have a bunch of grey reps, (Don't know what that means) more green ones over stuff I wouldn't have imagined getting repped over and so on. Then the red ones. I got one that just said some pretty mean nasty things. But did I go to the great hits thread and start complaining and throwing a hissy fit? nope. But if we had an anything goes thread, I bet it would be in there if I did.

    AND LASTLY. Signatures.

    Why can't we all just be good and get along. I had asked mike in the great hits thread if he would decrease the size of his signature. His response was "I am sorry that you are jealous of me." The reason I asked was because his signature makes my browser require me to scroll from left to right and doesn't fit right in my screen. I explained that and I was told something else rude and obnoxious.

    Politeness has been tried by me, but never worked.

    So, I decreased the size of mine. Not that my stats were anything to brag about, but at least it isn't LOUD and IN YOUR FACE like some of the other sigs I have seen.

    Have a nice day.

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