Resources for the Updated Site

Discussion in 'General' started by Flora, Dec 15, 2017.

  1. kadauchi

    kadauchi User

    This should work with all themes too.
    javascript:document.head.insertAdjacentHTML(`beforeend`, `<style>a:visited { color: #CFB53B !important; }</style>`);
  2. parro

    parro User

    My little secret program for always-on-top is called Desk Pins. The window stays on top of all other programs and windows, even if you're not actively doing MT and just building the queue..
  3. parro

    parro User

    Great. you've gone way beyond your job description ;-)
    Are you a programmer or are you retired?
  4. parro

    parro User

    Screenshot would be prettier.
  5. Turker2013

    Turker2013 User

    Do you have a second monitor? One for working, one for monitoring whatever you're doing.
  6. Turker2013

    Turker2013 User

  7. Turker2013

    Turker2013 User

    @match* will match the new pandas, so no, not going to add that.

    Also, please show me a concrete example for with that question mark at the end. I'm not aware of any page that lists HITs like that.

    When the qualification page is changed, we'll see then.

    If anyone has an example of a page that the MakeTitlesFit script doesn't work on (not the qualification pages), please let me know.
  8. elt

    elt User

    this was what I got when I search Hits with filtering enabled
    it was a complete example but appears truncated in the post unless you click or copy the link[qualified]=true&filters[masters]=false&sort=reward_desc&filters[min_reward]=0.44&page_number=1

    this is what I get redirected to after sign in, no slash so we do need that option too.[masters]=false&filters[min_reward]=0.44&filters[qualified]=true&page_number=1&page_size=20&sort=reward_desc&openid.pape.max_auth_age=43200&openid.identity=

    you may not see all the links others see for various reasons. we all run different scripts,
    amazon doesn't treat every worker the same as it introduces changes.
    I will edit the script I use so it does work on search pages and not on panda links.
    projects/?* and projects?*
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2018
  9. parro

    parro User

    Only one, 27", big enough to hold a lot.
  10. parro

    parro User

    The all-hits page, without any filters.
  11. parro

    parro User

    There is a need for a script that puts logical titles on the tabs... Other than that, I've regained the same miserable, inadequate, impecunious functionality I had before the new site.
  12. Turker2013

    Turker2013 User

    Looks like I need* as* is listed in the script already.

    parro, does cover the all HITs page? If not, please provide a concrete example.

    I have a script to change the titles of specific links by groupID or complete search URL, but I think it bogs down my browser after hours. With no solution in site. I may put it up with a warning about it. It could just be me.

    I don't know when I'll get around to these.
  13. elt

    elt User

    the Hits link opens this page:
    firefox seems to hide the ending slash until you copy the link
    the Hit titles are fixed so it must be working

    I would like to see any tab/window title setting script
    it should be possible to shorten the title and reduce the memory.

    I never wanted one before but a timer on the Hit tab
    might not be a bad idea.
    it may not be completely accurate compared to amazon time
    always best not to wait till the last few seconds to submit anyway

    *someone else mentioned the difference in timer on the Hit vrs que
    I just checked Hit says: 00:18:08 left. Que says: 00:14:49
    do we have to start checking every hit actually submitted?
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2018
  14. Turker2013

    Turker2013 User

    I need to remember the Title script and a Timer script, which would involve ripping something apart that I use currently. No promises on when I'll get around to it.

    Check your computer time. Make sure it's not off. That caused issues on WWW. If that's not it, it may be a refresh issue. Like, if it somehow is caching the page.
  15. parro

    parro User

    That's what I call the "all-hits" page. That's where I get the /?
  16. Turker2013

    Turker2013 User

    elt and kadauchi like this.
  17. parro

    parro User

    All titles now are "Amazon Mechanical Turk." Does that really use lots of RAM?
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2018
  18. parro

    parro User

    Last edited: Jan 8, 2018
  19. parro

    parro User

    is 5/22/2014 the date you joined AMT?
  20. elt

    elt User

    Turker2013 was saying his title changing script might be lagging the browser after a few hours
    using the part of a URL can be very long and a potential memory leak could cause the lag
    would have to look at the extracted script and see if it causes lag or not.
    I have no idea if long titles take much more memory

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