Pending Too Long

Discussion in 'General' started by keeping, Jan 25, 2009.

  1. keeping

    keeping Member

    Some of the requesters really response late and there are sometimes a lot of hits pending for the approval for a relatively long time. I really appreciate the quick response.
  2. testing123

    testing123 Member

    This makes me very upset! I know they have a lot of work to review, but since we have a time limit to complete the task, maybe they should have a time limit to approve. Afterwards the task could automatically be marked as approved?

    Just hoping..
  3. d6dozr

    d6dozr Member

    I dislike the long waits too...Maybe amazon could make a way to see max payment wait, so turkers could skip the hit if wait is too long.
  4. Morrissey

    Morrissey Active Member

    Keep in mind that they have 30 days to approve the HIT, if they haven't by then, it will auto-approve.
  5. Andy

    Andy Administrator Staff Member

    Requesters also have the ability to "auto-approve" within a certain criteria of time, even minutes, and from what I hear some requesters utilize this.
  6. lprasannag

    lprasannag Member

    have you ever worked for mobicious services. they pay in seconds. If you dont like to wait for a long time try requesters like them
  7. Xombicide

    Xombicide Active Member

    This is an AWESOME idea. :D
  8. maskarada

    maskarada Member

    Smart one. I'm supporting this idea.Because it is pointless to wait for more then 10 days to be paid.But.....I have to admit that there are some requesters that pay you in a very short time period.
  9. Kimberly

    Kimberly Member

    They need to fix that i agree.Where if it sets for more then a two days or something then it gets automatically approved..It gets me when i see a job that i did worked hard on it and it is still has not been approved..
  10. indieanna

    indieanna Member

    I'm glad to hear there is a maximum number of days. I didn't know that before. It'd be nice if it were less than 30 though. I'm impatient to see if I get approved for some of these!
  11. aderbalito

    aderbalito Member

    An automatic payment system would be nice.
    They should say in the HIT the payment time, and if they are still peding after the deadline, Amazon should pay it automaticaly.
  12. ergo

    ergo User

    They already have that feature. Requesters can select how much time will pass before auto-approving their HITs. Most don't bother to change it, though, so Amazon just leaves it at 30 days.
  13. Darthx1999

    Darthx1999 Member

    You just nailed it, this would be amazing!
  14. sandeshmini

    sandeshmini Member

    i am too frustrated with the late response of some of the requester , if they responde soon , they will get workers for thier hits
  15. WeaselTheGeek

    WeaselTheGeek Member

    They're humans too, you know? Maybe they prefer to take care of the HITs once a week, maybe they prefer to do it once a month. They have a job and they (may) have a family. I know you want the money immediately, but just try to understand them. ;)
  16. Christi

    Christi Member

    I'm all for being understanding and patient. I think it would be nice if they cut the limit from 30 days to 2 week/14 days. Who wants to wait 30 days to get payment?

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