newbie, not so impressed... try to sway me?

Discussion in 'General' started by slackadelic, Jan 28, 2009.

  1. slackadelic

    slackadelic Member

    Hey All, I'm new to this. mad 1$ yesterday, and maybe 5 or so today. It seems like sweat shop!! For the amount of time and energy that goes in, and what you get back!! PLUS - I can almost read the writing on the wall, the things that I'm writing I know will generate the new owner (since I lose all rights after getting my .40 commission) TONS of money. C'mon. It is obvious.... Seems like exploitation to me.... maybe since I'm new I'm just getting the crap work? does it get better? How? How to get a quality gig. I don't mind writing a killer piece, but i want to get PAID! Feel me??
  2. Lsunny

    Lsunny Member

    Well cant sway you on the pay . I know you will hear otherwise from others but not me. I can say that it is nice for me to earn money even a little with out haveing to deal with someone breathing down my neck and not having to do tasks that take hrs and hrs . not having to worry about idiot compnays get an idiot requester dont work for them again [gotta love that] Also in my other work at home job that pays better I dont have to worry about backround noise . I can 1/2 watch a movie, the dogs can bark away. I can talk on the phone when someone calls pretty much in a minutes notice. I can quit and start all day long if I want. And I dont have to get bored .
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2009
  3. sungirl325

    sungirl325 Member

    I understand how you feel. As an English major, Of course I would want to make more money. But I am also happy just to make a few extra dollars too, and I don't see anyone hiring me anytime soon for better money to write! :(
  4. Andy

    Andy Administrator Staff Member

    Remember to save some of the material you have sent to your portfolios to be used for future jobs. Although sometimes you waive the rights to the materials - you can also display them to newspaper companies - etc in the future.
  5. u0402215

    u0402215 Member

    I guess you'll probably be rather disappointed if your intention is to get half-decent pay for writing articles in MTurk compared to what you'll get outside. (I can't be bothered to research or write anything in MTurk myself but ok I'm not an English major ... haha ... I'm a physicist ... LOL)

    On the other hand there are (at times) plenty of pretty brainless a few cents for a few clicks kind of tasks around which you could do when you're, for example, waiting for other webpages to load or in between television advertisements or whatever and even though you probably won't get anything close to minimum wage doing these you'd still earn enough money to buy yourself a new book or two after maybe one or two months. I turk while I wait for my computer calculations for my research to complete and managed to buy a USD100 textbook after maybe a month or so of doing this.

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