New user EU and optimal usage of Mturk

Discussion in 'General' started by Steamon, Aug 7, 2016.

  1. Steamon

    Steamon Member

    Hey I am one off the many new EU users that got allowed recently. I am from the Netherlands. I am really happy to finally use Mturk.

    I already have small experience with clickworker so I understand what hits are and I tried out different hits. But limited use in the EU. Mturk has much more things to do while a lot off surveys and some tasks limited to the US there is still plenty to pickup.

    I have installed most scripts like turkmaster and hitscraper to find new requesters. Found some hits that are very short work and can by picked up by panda refresh. So I think I got grabs off the basics now I just need to find the right requesters.

    I totally understand that some people don't wanna share there requesters for batches else they will have them all in turkmaster. :)

    I just try out things and save the requesters I like to work for and slowly grow my list. Atm I am maxing out 100 hits each day its my 4th day now.

    Any veterans can tell me will the batches and hits get better after summer? I will miss out some since I am from the EU but I still seem to make some $ here and there.
  2. Skitsnygg

    Skitsnygg User

    Generally speaking, yes, the hits (especially surveys) will get better and more plentiful after summer as a lot of the requesters are colleges that are currently on break. As for good batches, you're going to have a tough time finding anything good until you get your numbers up to 5/10k approved. mylikes and a9 are good to build numbers when you first start.
  3. Steamon

    Steamon Member

    Nice I will try to grind up to a few k before summer ends. Thanks for the tips I manage to create a panda for mylikes and did the qualification. But I can't find 100% sure who the author is for the a9? So I can create a panda for those when he posts. I know 1 is US only and the other is international.
  4. Skitsnygg

    Skitsnygg User

    The requester is "Amazon Requester Inc. A9 Data Collection"
  5. Steamon

    Steamon Member

    Thanks but I was searching for ''Amazon Requester Inc. A9 Data Validation'' The collecting by a android app is US only. The Validation is international. But still found the answer thanks to you. :)

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