MTurk HIT DataBase (replaces MTurk Extended HIT Search)

Discussion in 'Scripts' started by ThirdClassIntMasterTurker, Oct 3, 2012.

  1. aphotic

    aphotic User

    What did you have to fix? It might be useful to bump the version number slightly and note the changes (to code and author) in the source comments.
  2. jojofroyo

    jojofroyo User

    Downgrading Chrome is another fix to the issue. I just rolled it back to the last full release version and I got it working in a jiff
  3. youroldnemesis

    youroldnemesis New Member

    I accidentally blocked all of CrowdSource and can't unblock them. I click on the title and get "Unblocking removes all blocks that match this HITs title and requesterId.", click OK, refresh, and it's still blocked.

    I tried blocking/unblocking CrowdFlower and it worked just fine, so I have no idea what's going on.
  4. jaw012

    jaw012 User

    You might have success when deleting your database and starting over.

    When you export to csv, I don't think it keeps a record of blocked requesters. So, if you export your database, then delete the one in chrome (not sure if deleting the one using the script will work), and then import your database from csv, I think you'll be good to go.
  5. youroldnemesis

    youroldnemesis New Member

    You're right, it worked! Thank you!
  6. jaw012

    jaw012 User

    Aww, thanks! :eek:
  7. TAC

    TAC User

  8. NeoPhoenix

    NeoPhoenix User

  9. jojofroyo

    jojofroyo User

    Anyone else's HitDB not letting you export All hits?
  10. jaw012

    jaw012 User

    Mine seems to be working fine. Can you export sections of your database, like narrowing by date?
  11. jojofroyo

    jojofroyo User

    I can only export pending, rejected, and approved pending payment. none of the others will work.
    adding date range same thing happens.
  12. jaw012

    jaw012 User

    The commonality between the remaining ones are the paid hits, so that's likely the problem for whatever reason. Do you routinely export copies? If so, have you tried deleting your database, then importing a recent one?

    Sorry that's not more helpful :(
  13. jojofroyo

    jojofroyo User

    I exported it about 2 weeks ago. I will try deleting current DB and importing my old back up and see what it does. Thanks for the help.
  14. covax1

    covax1 User

    Some help would be appreciated. I backed up my DB, deleted and now I'm trying to import by pasting the contents of the CSV into the dialog box but it tells me no hits are found. Any ideas?
  15. jaw012

    jaw012 User

    Each hit that you're trying to import should look like this when you go to do it:

    "2C6X7H57DZKPL2SR3U8DU25LE4P1B6","2013-01-08","Agent Agent","A6YG5FKV2TAVC","iPhone Game Icon Testing",0.40,"Paid",""

    If you're viewing the file in Excel and trying to copy it that way, try opening it up in a simple text editor (like Notepad) instead. If you do that, you should see a bunch of entries that look the one above. Those are what the import function recognizes.

    I hope that helps. I'll be on for a few more hours if you have any other questions.
  16. covax1

    covax1 User

    That's exactly what I did, actually. I opened it in notepad. The file is formatted just like that line. I tried to paste only one record in, an Agent Agent record just like you posted. Exact same response of "no hits found"

    Edit: Fixed it. I deleted the script and reinstalled. I clicked Update and it did, which is weird because it wouldn't update after I deleted the db. All is well now.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2013
  17. jaw012

    jaw012 User

    I'm glad that you got it resolved! :)
  18. Ginger73

    Ginger73 User

    Can't Update Database

    I've been using this for about a month with no problem. I got a new laptop and installed the script and it won't work. I installed the version with the Chrome fix. I'm running Windows 7 and Chrome. When I click Update Database it says "please wait script monkeys are preparing to work" but nothing happens. I've uninstalled:( and reinstalled several times. I've tried turning all other scripts off and nothing works. Help, please!!
  19. jojofroyo

    jojofroyo User

    try downgrading chrome to an earlier version.
  20. Ginger73

    Ginger73 User

    Thanks for the response but I have the same version of Chrome (25.0.1364.172m) on both computers. Still works fine on the other. Any other suggestions?

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