MOOC discussion hit - noob question

Discussion in 'Requesters' started by PaoPao, Aug 12, 2014.

  1. PaoPao

    PaoPao User

    ok this has been bugging me all day but I can't view any hits for the MOOC discussion posted by Jaime A. I've been using Chrome and Firefox and the hits won't load. Not sure if it's my laptop or that I'm such a noob that I can't figure it out ;__;
  2. BlueMoods

    BlueMoods Active Member

    I found the answer to that earlier today on Reddit. If I get too confusing, being somewhat tech challenged, hopefully someone else can clarify.

    What browser are you using? I use Chrome, and when you get a blank screen like that, all the way to the right hand side of the bar where the URL is is a shield icon. If you left-click on that shield, it should allow the content on those HITs to be displayed. I would post a screenshot of what I mean, but I don't know how to do that! (Told you I was somewhat tech challenged!)
  3. PaoPao

    PaoPao User

    oooh! I've been using Chrome lately, I will have to give that a try! It's just been driving me nuts all day trying to figure it out
  4. Malaclypse

    Malaclypse User

    there are a ton of hits scripted like this, always be sure to check for the shield.
  5. kcott84

    kcott84 User

    I use Linux, not Mac or Windows, and the shield doesn't always show for me.
  6. PaoPao

    PaoPao User

    thanks!! My laptop is getting quite old so I was worried it was something wrong with it. Will be on the look out for the shield :)

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