Moderate: Videos for Violations of Klip's Terms of Service

Discussion in 'CrowdSource' started by ewd76, Dec 8, 2012.

  1. ewd76

    ewd76 User

    I just saw a video which had no discernible picture. It had noise which sounded like a saw and someone speaking in what sounded like a foreign language, so I didn't say that it filed to load. I said that it didn't violate terms of service since I had no reason to think otherwise, and listed the type as "other". For age of person I said that I couldn't tell. Was this the right thing to do or should I have said that it failed to load? For all I know it was supposed to be a black screen.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 8, 2012
  2. You did right right with the video. I can't get any of these HITS today. Ugh! Everyone snatches them up.
  3. swiftkick

    swiftkick User

    You got it. It does not matter if there is no video, or video with no audio. I've had ones that are just one second of nothing, and I marked it the same as you did.
  4. ewd76

    ewd76 User

    Yes, it was approved. :) I've had hits from other requesters approve when they shouldn't have because I totally screwed up, including a 50 cent survey which I accidentally submitted without actually doing it, and which I contacted the requester telling them.
  5. Have you noticed these have slowed down big time coming in? They used to be coming in all the time. They were decent money when they flew in, but now they are straggling in little by little. Anyone else noticing this?
  6. rek0nize

    rek0nize User

    Yeah, I've noticed too. They cut wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy down. One will come in every 10-20 minutes now.

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