Lighting Buff, stop pretending to fix your fault

Discussion in 'General' started by Zhaozhen, Sep 2, 2012.

  1. Libby101a

    Libby101a User

    I've been on Mechanical turk for a while, but only here in this forum shortly and I've never done these kind of hits because they are so take a huge chance of getting rejected. I would stay clear of these type of hits unless you want to ruin your approval ratings.
  2. mturkconsultant

    mturkconsultant Verified Requester / HIT Consultant

    I'm glad that you avoid HITs that you are not able to do, Libby. :)

    Ohsostrange, I realize that the lamp questions were very subjective. The real HIT was supposed to use checkboxes so that you could select up to two places the lamp could go. That floor lamp question would not have been enough, and had many of the others been right too and not just random guesses, I would have recommended reversal. That floor lamp could go a lot of places and look fine, and while I personally think it'd be rare to see it in a bedroom, I suppose it is not impossible.
  3. See these sort of HITs would tempt me, because I just find decorating stuff interesting. But I'd probably only do a handful because I'd be worried about where *I* think a lamp should go being considered wrong lol Obviously I wouldn't put a fancy floor lamp like that in a child's room but I'd certainly have no problem putting it in my own bedroom if it matched my decor.
  4. Zhaozhen

    Zhaozhen User

    I promise at least 60% of my work were right such as lamp should be placed in dining room, kitchen, living room and bathroom.What about them?Why can't him just look right at his fault???????WHY WHY WHY
  5. mturkconsultant

    mturkconsultant Verified Requester / HIT Consultant

    Sorry Zhao, but where I come from, 60% isn't even a passing grade. If I ran a factory and only 60% of my products had no defects, I'd quickly go out of business. If I were taking a test and only 60% of my answers were correct, I'd fail out of the class. In the future, when you work for other requesters, if you cannot complete the HITs with 95%+ accuracy, don't do them. That's my only advice for you. You just admitted yourself that you only deserve a 60% approval rate.

    I think this is going to be my last post in this thread, because that comment stands for itself. You either agree that that type of work is unacceptable or you don't. If anyone else legitimately wants some rejections reversed, I can be reached via PM. Thank you.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 3, 2012
  6. Zhaozhen

    Zhaozhen User

    I said 60% were absolutely right and it doesn't mean the rest were wrong.Can you answer a single question,how do you handle with the right one?You can't shoot a good guy because someone of his family was bad.
  7. Honestly I'm sorry to say you're beating a dead horse at this point.

    On an unrelated note.. a score of 60% reminds me an awful lot of my HS math days LOL
  8. I also think it's ludicrous that you think ANY room is an unacceptable place to use an extension cord.

    And just because you or I would not put a Tiffany table lamp in a playroom, that doesn't mean someone in India lucky enough to be able to afford such a space wouldn't decorate it to the nines. Different cultures have different sensibilities about things like interior designs.

    If this requester expected only the answers he himself would have given, once again, he had no business posting hits to collect other people's opinions. And that the 'real hit' should have included the ability to check two rooms instead of one is no excuse for rejecting ANY answer. That was LB's fault, not the workers'. When he was notified by email that it was impossible to choose more than one room (I know for a fact he was, because I emailed him myself) he ignored those communications, issuing no response and making no move to fix any broken hit that had not yet been worked. Plus, to my recollection it did not say in the hit that it was NECESSARY to choose two, only that it was necessary to not choose MORE than two.

    Workers like this poor kid did in fact follow the instructions, to the extent that it was possible to do so. If he had chosen the same exact room for every response, no matter what he was shown, then he would be a scammer. But he did not. And nothing short of that kind of behavior justifies a refusal to rescind his rejections.
  9. ds_36

    ds_36 User

    This is exactly the sort of reason I don't like doing such subjective HITs, especially on a topic that I'm not really familiar with.

    Was there any sort of training given for these? I'm an American and I wouldn't pick up on the nuances of American decor either. If I think something looks nice I'll put it in that place regardless of what the label says.
  10. LOL This is me. Precisely why I tend to avoid things that are 'subjective'. One person's living room reading lamp is another person's bedroom sex lamp or some such nonsense. If it matches what I've got and it looks good I'm putting it there!
  11. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

    If you have less than 70% accuracy, mTurk kicks you off the site. That being said, why would a requester want work that is only slightly more than half "for sure" right? Requesters use mTurk to save them time and money. Having to go through and manually check hundreds of HITs just to approve half of them seems counterproductive to their goals. If you were even slightly unsure about a HIT, you should have returned it. Begging for forgiveness and saying "well, I'm pretty sure I was right sometimes!" doesn't usually go over well on mTurk.
  12. Libby101a

    Libby101a User

    60% is a failing grade in anything you do! I wouldn't expect to get paid if I just had 60% right or even though I had 60% right. I return them a hit if I feel uneasy about doing 100% on it.
  13. What astonishes me in this whole episode is Lighting Buff thinks he is in a position to judge other people's work and then complain about the trouble he has to go through to reverse his mistake. He should just have realized his mistake, approved / reversed everything and stop this nonsense about some work being sloppy. The sloppy work was done by him and he just doesn't have the integrity to do the right thing. This business should have been over and done with a week ago if he had done the right thing.
  14. Zhaozhen

    Zhaozhen User

    I must underestimated the rate.85% is a rational rate
  15. Bertha

    Bertha User

    What where you expecting if you yourself say that only 60% of your work was accurate? You are also admitting to being a scammer. I suggest you move on. You are posting new threads/multiple threads on a daily basis and it's getting old. I was suspicious of your work from the very beginning but I was trying to have some sympathy and hope that you were honest with your work and now it's obvious you were just choosing whatever answers to complete as many hits as possible and you are wondering why you have so many rejections, why mturk might give you the boot?, why the requester is giving you the run around?

    Sorry but I'm tired of logging in everyday and seeing your threads/post, you obviously weren't being honest with your work and now you are looking for a way out.
  16. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

    Oh I wholeheartedly agree. However... admitting to only being partially right most of the time makes me wonder how many other people did the same thing. Maybe this requester has every right to be acting like an asshole right now. Trust me though when I say that I wouldn't touch these HITs with someone else's hands. The requester should have swallowed his lumps, manually reviewed EVERYTHING, and started over.

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