Husband and Wife have separate accounts?

Discussion in 'General' started by dbc0217, Nov 2, 2012.

  1. dbc0217

    dbc0217 New Member

    Is is OK for a husband and wife to have separate mturk accounts? Of course, we will both have the same ip address since they would be done from our home. I don't want to be banned from mturk if this is against their rules. Please advise.
  2. You are supposed to have separate accounts. IP address shouldn't be an issue, but you can email them and ask.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 2, 2012
  3. Moutheater

    Moutheater User

    Just confirming what ASH said above ----^

    There is nothing wrong or against TOS with having two separate accounts from the same household. You are supposed to do this. As long as you both check out as different people ( Fraud is a crime, guys... ) you should be ok. You should BOTH contact amazon and have them confirm this (It's in their FAQ but this is just to cover your asses in case they decide to do some sort of weird thing where they go "NO!" later on.) That way it's on record, and save the emails they send you back.

    Hope this helps.
  4. I don't think that would be a problem since you will be providing your unique SSN and bank account info to mturk. Mturk is just against multiple accounts for a single person and with millions of Mturk users, it's safe to use a different IP address.
  5. Khalinov

    Khalinov User

    You MUST have separate accounts.

    Think about it: would you be able to go to a real-world job and both give the same SSN to the payroll dept.?
  6. Neona

    Neona User

    My son and I are both on here and there's no issues. He is only looking to make a little pocket money plus his schedule is so hectic he doesn't get on too often, but we've not had any problems with Amazon. Same IP address but different SS numbers and different bank accounts although I imagine as long as both names were on the account, a shared account would probably be ok too.
  7. Khalinov

    Khalinov User

    A shared bank account would probably work.
    AMT accounts are one to a taxpayer ID number. That is cut and dried.
  8. kalhana

    kalhana User

  9. Kalhana, they are saying that you can open multiple accounts using your relative's SSN and bank account info and they won't have any issues with that. But still, if they suspect any fraud on any turker's behalf they would come crashing by on any household with multiple mturk account.
  10. Khalinov

    Khalinov User

    If a husband and wife cannot share a joint banking account for Amazon Payments, that seems a bit odd. But Amazon makes the rules.

    Of course, the separate accounts in AMT for working and taxation purposes are necessary.
  11. mjm231

    mjm231 Active Member

    My wife and I recently both started Turking. We both have seperate Amazon accounts, and bank accounts. However, I recently added her to my bank account as a joint owner. We don't have both of our seperate Amazon accounts paying into a single joint account. Her bank account is just in her name, but my account is in both of our names as of recently.

    Do I need to get another bank account that is in my sole custody to do this correctly within Amazon rules? Or, are we okay as is?
  12. ewd76

    ewd76 User

    When you start messing with things like addresses and bank accounts, you face the risk of suspension. Regardless of whether it's justified.

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