How-To Scripts for Recently Joined Turkers

Discussion in 'General' started by Monica, Jun 6, 2014.

  1. BloodRayen

    BloodRayen User

    go over to the setting in chrome, click on extensions, scroll down, click on get more extension and then you can search it in the add-on market

    NICOLE Member

    oh simple enough lol thanks so much
  3. Monica

    Monica User

    Alternatively, on the first page of this thread there's a list of add on extensions that include an auto refresh extention :D
  4. I'm just putting this here for future reference:

    This is a page on Greasyfork that lists all scripts, no matter who wrote them, that use, or are intended for,

    User scripts for

    There's bound to be something there you need.
  5. Thank you to who ever wrote the MTurk HIT DataBase script!. I finally sucked it up and figured out how to get it into Tampermonkey and I don't know how I was turk-ing with out this for so long. Amazing! It lets me block certain requesters HITS I'll probably never do with out losing the HIT. It just compacts it up on the page so I am seeing stuff I would have missed going through hundreds of the same requestors stuff. It calculates what I have out pending and everything...using it with Turkopticon (although beware of Trolls if you rate anything on there they will flame you out). I'm so Excited and I've seen my daily earnings go up. The drag and drop scripts worked great, once I figured it out.;)
  6. ennaira

    ennaira User

    I installed Turkopticon extension in Chrome but could not make it to function. Any option? I don't use firefox so Chrome only is my option.
  7. BloodRayen

    BloodRayen User

    the extension is blocked by chrome security settings. you need to run the script for Tampermonkey to make it work
  8. Monica

    Monica User

    In case you haven't yet found it, here is the link to the userscript for tamper monkey. If you need any help with tampermonkey or any other userscripts please comment or pm!
  9. ennaira

    ennaira User

    Clicked the link you've given but "this webpage is not available" so I just went to this link Which one to download - Stable, Beta or Legacy? Thanks.
  10. BloodRayen

    BloodRayen User

    easiest is stable, beta if you can live with some technical issues and some instability every now and then.
  11. loppy

    loppy User

    Haven't been Turking in a while, but as I now have updated my PC can anyone direct me to a script that will display my Mturk ID in all pages? I once had one but it no longer appears. I am running Chrome on a Linux system.

  12. Scripts can be found here: Is this the one you're looking for? MTurk - Expanded header info. - UPDATE
  13. dyanisme

    dyanisme New Member

    Can someone please help me? I've added turkmaster, and it seems to be working. I can see the list of watchers (upper left side of my screen), but I can't seem to add a new watcher. I read the instructions on greasyfork. So I found a hit from the requestor that I want to watch, went to that hit and clicked 'watch this hit'. A pop up window opened to ask if I wanted to add a watcher. I clicked 'save' and thought that it would be added to my list of watchers. But nothings seems to have happened. I've tried it a couple of times, but always go through the same steps with the same results.

    What am I doing wrong?
  14. Is there a script that will tell you what new hits have been posted by all requestors (and in sorted order like dollar amount, etc)? It sounds like Hit Scraper is for specific requestors that you want to watch for. Is there a way to see if new hits have been added since the last time you scrolled through the list?
  15. Monica

    Monica User

    I think the closest would be turkmaster. I haven't used it extensively, but I want to say I remember people referring to it as how they knew something was posted by a requester.
  16. Oh ok. I don't have a requestor to plug in. I just want to know when scrolling the list what new ones have been added since the last time I checked.
  17. LadyBug

    LadyBug User


    I have the HIT database and I am trying to figure out how to keep records of my HITs for longer than 90 days.
    I've been trying to figure it out but I don't get it. Help pleeassee
  18. I keep an Excel Spreadsheet.
  19. devinf65

    devinf65 New Member

    If you find out please pass along the info. I'm liking turkmaster so far, not adding a watcher is the only thing!
  20. Last edited by a moderator: Mar 17, 2015

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