High paying hits that have 1 available but indicate all are taken

Discussion in 'General' started by Dennis Marks, Jul 15, 2020.

  1. I have found that if you keep clicking on the hit as long as it remains you have about a 50% chance of catching it. I just got a $1.50 hit in a couple minutes of clicking.

    I assume these are all grabbed by bots but are released when time to start runs out.
  2. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    Yes I've done that sometimes. Glad you caught it.

    Not sure if you know this but there are scripts out there that grabs the HITs for you when they come up. It's called Panda Crazy. When you see a HIT you want to catch, put the accept link in there and it will keep refreshing until it catches for you. It's called panda because it is short for preview and accept.

    https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/19168-jr-mturk-panda-crazy (you would need to install Tampermonkey first)

    Or you can use Mturk Suite which has Hit Catcher in there as well. It's in the Chrome store.

  3. I was wrong on my initial assumption. The HIT I was referring to has slowly be been growing and is now 131. I think I caught a new hit and not one of the old released ones. I am still learning the tricks here. I do not want to add an app since it just seems to confuse things, at least for me.
  4. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    Makes sense. Simpler the better. I think I caught that one too.

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