Hello everyone! I'm new.

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Happy, Jan 30, 2012.

  1. Happy

    Happy New Member

    I have been doing HITs since July of last year. I have completed about 1200 HITs. I only have 20 rejections. I recently got some rejections from people that won't answer emails and from one that does but plays games with words. Anyway, I need a better way of screening cheapskates, liars, and thieves. I found this site so I will be here looking for those to avoid.
  2. swiftkick

    swiftkick User

    Check out Turkopticon, it is used to rate requesters and you can find out what experience other people have had with requesters - most turkers use it to make their judgments.
  3. MSherri

    MSherri New Member

    this thing was really upsetting at first.
    now i think i start figuring out this stuff
  4. Jonman

    Jonman New Member

    Hi everyone!

    I am wondering, while I am going to be a worker with mTurk regardless, what is the potential income? I realize that this is dependent upon me. Assuming that I face few rejections and become comfortably familiar with the seemingly simple process, what am I looking at realistically in a day's work? A ballpark figure would be very appreciated. Possibly a tip or two from someone with positive monetary results and a proven system to keep in mind as I explore this? It's much to ask. If you have the time to answer specifically, It would surely save me loads of time!


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