Have a way to hide unwanted hits

Discussion in 'General' started by MistressOfTheDorkness, Jan 25, 2009.

  1. I think it would be great if we could 'hide' hits from by requester or title so they're out of the way when we're looking for work.

    If there's 30 pages of work, I'm scrolling past 10 pages just of different variations on a hit I don't want to do (ie the movie reviews or vacation commentary for every city on the planet).

    It would be easier to find the hits I WANT to do, if I could just hide the ones I know that I DON'T want to do.
  2. Andy

    Andy Administrator Staff Member

    It would be a good idea to be able to "block" a requester.
  3. dhockney

    dhockney Member

    I agree - I'd like the ability to create a "blacklist" of requesters whose tasks I don't want to do. Maybe a "whitelist" would be good, too - a list of requestors that I've selected that show up prominently in my searches.
  4. oh, that's even better... brilliant.
  5. ergo

    ergo User

    +1000. Amazon once told me they were working on those features, but that was two and a half years ago.
  6. testing123

    testing123 Member

    That's a great idea--it would be nice if there was some way to hide the jobs oyu aren't interested in. It also might be nice to categorize the HITS--forum posts/Youtube comments, writing tasks, information searching, etc. I know some people are better at one type than another.
  7. lprasannag

    lprasannag Member

    I have been digging Mturk for this feature from the past 3 months. I hope there is no such facility. It's really boaring to scrolldown through all the pages before we find the requester we like.
  8. DmndD9

    DmndD9 Member

    Wow, I like that idea too! It would be nice to just go right to a certain category.
  9. I think this is a great idea, I would definitely use the feature if it were available

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