Great hits 11/2/12

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by trueakitalover, Nov 2, 2012.

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  1. Bertha

    Bertha User

    Wont buying the coffee wipe out the extra $ needed for your new goal? Hahaha Starbucks, hate them but love them.
  2. magnetlink

    magnetlink User

    Ahh, my favorite is what I call the Happy Drink, a Java Chip frappe with a shot of espresso (Does it bother you when people say EX-presso? Random, I know) and 2 shots of Cinnamon Dolce syrup. YUM
  3. Hey sasquatch,
    What part of the north shore of nassau, ny? We just moved from Oyster Bay,NY to Aurora, Co. Best thing we ever did. Love it here. NY too crazed & expensive. It's a different life, though, out here away from the East Coasters. It's far more chill.
  4. dottommytm

    dottommytm User

    I just did the Wishes survey -- ummm what? How was that a dollar lol? it took like less than a minute.
  5. BummyWonder

    BummyWonder Active Member

    AHHHH! yay! just broke the 500 barrier 3 days ago and now with those password hit from yesterday approved I am now at 1001 *does happy dance* things are coming along quite nicely. I love turkin' more and more everyday.
  6. Dexster

    Dexster User

    Simple Batch Hits (Favs)

    .06c Kristin Howe

    .02c Katelyn Newman

    .07 Demetrius Michael

    .03 Stuart John

    .07 ProductRnR ?!?! (They had an ephiphany, begged for forgiveness and changed their beef weiner eater ways or maybe it's the fact that their Hits started growing mold sitting on Mturk with no one doing them. Anyways a new system is in place - go ahead Brave Heart!!! Take one for the team!!! lol)

    More to come!!!
  7. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    haha i'm from syosset! i used to drive around oyster bay with my friends when we were bored, which was the status quo for life on long island. that, and 24 hour bagel boss in plainview...

    i hope to move out west in the next year or so, would like to live in cali on the coast but i have two really good friends in colorado who absolutely love it...
  8. critter

    critter User

    I'm back guys, now to power through this last 4.50...
  9. critter

    critter User

    Nah, partner benefits are nice to have :D
    Partners don't pay
  10. Faiythe

    Faiythe User

    Caught up to the thread and sitting pretty at 7.35, awesome :) thanks guys!
  11. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    ugh, do i have it in me to do one more diet pill article...
  12. Bertha

    Bertha User

    lucky!!! ..........
  13. critter

    critter User

    If you ever in southern Ohio let me know, I would love to take you with me!
  14. critter

    critter User

    great hits while I was gone guys! I'm looking at a buck fifty before I can sleep now :D
  15. twillight

    twillight User

    Think I am going to call it a night at 30 dollars and get up early to turk and do my data entry job...Have a great night you guys.
  16. You did good tonight. :)
  17. magnetlink

    magnetlink User

    Oh, god, ain't that the truth. Small world.

    And hai there VirtualCashNow! Totally agree, but I need to pick my poison: Mountain View-ish, CA, here, or Seattle. I want Seattle, but the weather there and lack of people I know there kind of make it an "ehhn" thing.
  18. BeerMe

    BeerMe User

    Hello fellow Turkers. I've been on Mturk since early June. I found this site a few weeks ago and have been lurking and benefited from all your posts. I thought it was unfair not to register and try to contribute. I was mostly doing surveys until I got here and started making more money doing batches when I can catch them. I hope to contribute to the community and we can all make more money.

    HITs Submitted 2080 —
    ... Approved 2061 99.8%
    ... Rejected 5 0.2%
    ... Pending 14 —

    Approved HITs $739.43
    Bonuses $35.56
    Total Earnings $774.99
  19. Bertha

    Bertha User

    Thanks for the offer but I have never been out of California other than Vegas. Are you a buckeye fan?
  20. JenniLeigh

    JenniLeigh User

    Been off and on throughout the day (no school today, grrr =-P)
    Today's Projected Earnings $11.18
    My goal is a fiver, so I'm a happy Momma =-D
    I still think I'm gonna see what I can knock out now that everyone's in bed though. MAYBE still make it to bed early and get up a little earlier to see what's happening in the early mornings. :)
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