Far From A Newbie

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Stlrfn, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. Stlrfn

    Stlrfn Banned

    Well like the title says... I am FAR from a newbie but I guess I really never introduced myself.... I am Michelle.. Stlrn or Shell to most of my mturk friends. I am, ofc, another TN castaway and really thought I would be down and out when the "Big B" (Big Boss - LOL) hit me with the ban hammer. [​IMG] But..... I am happy to say that after the first 24 hours that was no longer the case. [​IMG] Sure I still miss some of my friends from there and will always have much love for them. [​IMG] However, I have also found many new friends on here and that is WONDERFUL! Now that I am off to a venture of my own I will (unfortunately) not be around as much but I just wanted to say Thank You [​IMG] to all that have made my short time here a little brighter!

    I will still stop in from time to time and you can all still reach me at the email in my sig if you have a turking question I can help with.

    Edit: I would also like to send out a special thank you to Andy for the name change. It allowed many of my old friends to keep in touch!
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 17, 2012
  2. I hop i belong there....lol

    Added u on gtalk...check it :)
  3. Stlrfn

    Stlrfn Banned

    Why you sure do hun. I will check out the gtalk as soon as I learn how. LOL
  4. Dont tell me u dont know bout gtok or not used to it !!
  5. Stlrfn

    Stlrfn Banned

    eh, i'm more of a skype girl myself. :lol:
  6. i have a skype but little do i use it...May be to video chat with my sister who lives in the gulf coz they offer superior quality:)
  7. Athena

    Athena User

    We'll miss you! Good luck with whatever you're going to be up to next!
  8. Stlrfn

    Stlrfn Banned

    Thanks hun! You too!
  9. nobody

    nobody User

    Welcome and good luck!

    Hopefully, you'll still have time to pop in and check on us. :)
  10. Stlrfn

    Stlrfn Banned

    Thanks and I'll still be around to keep my eye on you! LOL
  11. Scott

    Scott User

    Glad to see you found your way here too.. I miss the TN chat the most - the talking about hits in almost real time.. But I was banned for telling others to avoid a requester that was rejecting everyone that was talked about in Chat.. That I too was rejected by 5-6 times. Because I mentioned it in chat, I can't disclose it elsewhere..
  12. Stlrfn

    Stlrfn Banned

    Eh I don't really miss TN. I miss some of the peeps on there but not the drama or headaches. I am not really sure why I as banned but I guess I just rubbed spammy the wrong way too many times. You would think she would at least give me a reason after I had been there for close to three years. :lol: Either way... I will still be in and out and in all honesty should be out of here by now but I have made some good friends in my short stay.
  13. Athena

    Athena User

    I don't miss TN, either. Actually, I like this place better (SG was always quick to flip out on people, but Andy seems super-cool without allowing this place to degenerate into flameville.) Most of my old friends don't even post back there any more, as far as I can tell.

    We just need to get the better requesters posting over here, and it'll be better than Elsewhere ever was.
  14. Stlrfn

    Stlrfn Banned

    Yep, SG did have that way about her and Andy does seem pretty cool (but don't tell him I said that). LOL. I ofc still have many friends that still post over there since I am a recent cast-a-way but... you never know..... they may find a new place too.

    I agree with the requesters posting. Some of them were very helpful there. Although, some requesters posting over there is what (IMO) has caused a lot of the controversy too.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 18, 2012

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