Communication with requesters; lousy rewards

Discussion in 'General' started by ergo, Aug 26, 2009.

  1. ergo

    ergo User

    We've talked here before about it being important to give requesters feedback, letting them know whether you like their HITs or not, and why, and what could be done to improve things. In some cases the main improvement needed is pay that at least isn't insulting. Opinions will vary on where that line is, and it can differ depending on the type of task.

    Stephanie (Shego) recently put up an article about her experience dealing with a requester who posted rewrite work at $1 for 500 words, or 2/10ths of a cent per word.

    His final reply was pretty damned rude.

    Why not leave a comment on her page if you have some thoughts or experiences of your own to share? Though she unfortunately isn't here very often, I'm glad to see she's still writing about MTurk and pushing for better treatment of workers.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 27, 2009
  2. Shego

    Shego User

    Thanks for letting everybody know. Sorry I haven't been around, but I have not forgotten what my values (or yours) are and I am still fighting the good fight!! We need to let these requesters know that we are not nameless, faceless "worker ID numbers" we are real flesh and blood...just like they are and they need to respect that; us, and our skills and the time it takes to complete their HITS. :)
  3. ergo

    ergo User

    Glad to have you on our side!

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