Can't Find Good HITs? 12/30

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by er111a, Dec 29, 2012.

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  1. But even if you knew the course didn't exist, wouldn't you still have to go to the course schedule and give them the link as "proof" it doesn't exist?
  2. LostCrow

    LostCrow User

    With all these rejections, now I'm nervous about doing more Rubin hits.
  3. DustinOber

    DustinOber User

    Maybe I am speaking out here, but just do the work right with Rubin and he will approve. I don't justify why I can find a course or instructor information. If I cant find everything, I just return it. I have not had an issue.

    If you are filling out everything, I would not get nervous.
  4. prothis

    prothis User

    How much time do you generally spend per-hit? And are you generally specific with comments or are they just stuff like "course not offered"? I'm just wondering if they're taking a look at your work as a whole and are (despite actual quality or not) going "something seems fishy, mass reject".

    See this is what I'm curious about though, because I've submitted quite a few saying the course wasn't offered, but I give specific info saying I didn't find it in whichever available terms I searched, why I couldn't find one professor's email (I do return if it's the only prof), etc. When I first started working on Rubins a few weeks ago, I was told by others that if you explained why you submitted what you did, you shouldn't have problems. I've been following that advice and have had no problems. Not to say I'm not wary right now, however.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 30, 2012
  5. mikey

    mikey User

    I always wondered what "rubin" was doing with the data. I am assuming he is soliciting teachers using their email address and maybe uses the course info to personalize the sales pitch?
  6. Blazed

    Blazed User

    Have you been approved by using this method in the past? If yes, then keep doing what you do....I personally think what happened to wonka was an error on their end. But atlas we don't exactly know how wonka been entering his work.
  7. LostCrow

    LostCrow User

    If I have missing information, like no email or the course is not offered, I skip it.
  8. Use the course schedules folks if it's not there return until we hear back from piazza
  9. I have personally not had any issues with him. Mind you, I only do about 20 dollars worth a day, but I've had all mine approved and some with email feedback. My guess is something is up on his end. I'm going to keep doing what I am doing. I have no reason to think anything otherwise at the moment other than this is an error.
  10. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    all of my rubins except today's have been approved now... sounds like it might be a mistake on their end of things...
  11. If I haven't been returning anything. If I can't find something, it means the course is not available. I state it's not available in the 2012-13 school year. (Sometimes I may go back to the 11-12 year for an email.) I include links to all the term schedules so they know I checked each one.

    If I can't find information on a professor, I include links to all the pages on searched on. I've only had problems with the professors a handful of times. It's when the course isn't offered when I have to do more searching. This comes from the course hits though. If it's not offered in the 2012-13 school year, it should have been stated then. Some people just look for the course name and submit.

    So far, only two people have had rejections. Hopefully, those will be rectified.
  12. wonkatonka

    wonkatonka User

    No, I mean I'd search for it using the prefix and CRN, and then try the keyword for Fall 2012, Winter 2013 and Spring 2013. I'd get nothing. I'd then look at the source they had and it would list the course being available for a random selection of years, or being from a different university, e.g. University of Illinois vs. University of Northern Illinois, or Pennsylvania College of Technology vs Pennsylvania Institute of Technology.
  13. Jenikijen

    Jenikijen User

    All mine has been excepted except for three...kind of weiry
  14. wonkatonka

    wonkatonka User

    If the course wasn't there, I'd write "N/A" for the instructor, link the source in the link area, and then in the comments type out "Course not offered during your requested time period" and sometimes "...but was offered a few years ago."
  15. prothis

    prothis User

    I don't know what to say then, other than this is probably an error. I do pretty much the same things you do. I mean, if the course isn't offered, it isn't offered... I did the work and they need to know it's not there.

    Safe to say you're gonna keep working on them sas?
  16. SupaDupa

    SupaDupa User

    Idk if its been posted, but Slee has more hits up

    Title: Read a short message (on average 1-2 sentences) and answer simple yes/no or scale questions - You can do multiple HITs
    Requester: slee [A2TZEOR6EY4DH7] (TO)
    Description: short survey/data tagging on a short message. This survey is voluntary and should you choose to accept, press accept HIT. If you have any questions, press contact requester. Thank you
    Reward: $0.10
    Qualifications: Total approved HITs is not less than 100, HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 97, Location is US
    [size=-2]Powered by non-amazonian script monkeys [/size]​
  17. aphotic

    aphotic User

    This is basically what I have been doing. The only HITs I return are ones where I can't access or find the class schedules. If I can't find a course or it's the wrong school, I explain that. If I can't find email information, I explain that. I would think they would want that information instead of the HIT sitting out there forever.

    I've never had any problems, but I don't think they were very picky with their approval process in the past. I guess we'll see going forward.
  18. This makes me nervous because there's been times I've done the searching then realized I forgot to accept, so accept then fill it in fast.
  19. Blazed

    Blazed User

    I think leaving n/a in the field might be the problem...I leave the fields blank and leave a comment.
  20. maipui

    maipui Active Member

    Anyone have any experience doing these?

    Title: Twitter Event Classification
    Requester: James McMinn [A2RZN9U7Q2LU9F] (TO)
    Description: You are asked to examine 15 Tweets and decide if they discuss a real-life event. If they do, then you will be asked to provide some information about the event.
    Reward: $0.04
    [size=-2]Powered by non-amazonian script monkeys [/size]​
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