Can't Find Good HITs? 12/25

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by AlexeiRoquentin, Dec 25, 2012.

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  1. How come the redwood caption requirement hit number never changes? or it says it has 800, and there are zero available when its clicked on. Seems like if Rubin has 50 left then it has 50 left. Where as SLEE, has been close to 400 for a while, even though I am sure people are doing them.
  2. also, I need to make $3.50, so i can feel good about today.
  3. paulstead

    paulstead User

    Have I really been reduced to doing CastingWords transcriptions tonight?
  4. mtnsurf

    mtnsurf User

    Thats not low at all, in fact for the entire first year and a half or so of turking. I never seen it go above 200k, lowest was around 30k
  5. paulstead

    paulstead User

    30k would be quite depressing to see.
  6. mtnsurf

    mtnsurf User

    Yes at the time I did not realize how low it was. I think I was still under 5k or so, so I was fighting to get numbers up. Looking back I think that was over Thanksgiving or Christmas.
  7. prothis

    prothis User

    Random question: I can't remember checking before, but does anyone know if past Rubin batches were US only?
  8. 1rekcutn

    1rekcutn Banned

    Yeah, they were/are.
  9. bredeanf

    bredeanf User

    whoooo Rubin approved those Sakai HITs!
  10. ntucker2

    ntucker2 Banned

    2am batch of rubin's *prays*
  11. paulstead

    paulstead User

    They approve just now?
  12. paulstead

    paulstead User

    Andy, can't you IP block instead of banning every user name?

    EDIT: Not trying to get in the middle of anything or stir stuff back up, I was just genuinely curious.
  13. Andy

    Andy Administrator Staff Member

    He is using proxies and crap emails to register. When I ban, I am banning the account, the crap email provider, and the IP address. His 3 day ban changed to a perm when he decided it was okay to create new accounts for ban avoidance.
  14. paulstead

    paulstead User

    Rofl, so he definitely initiated TryHard mode.
  15. skyman

    skyman User

    Since nothing seems to be up on mturk tonight, I think I'll take up Tommy Vercetti's job offer in Vice City. Be back later.
  16. bredeanf

    bredeanf User

    yep! or I just noticed...but they weren't approved yesterday
  17. Eh, it takes all of a few seconds to do this. Just kinda bored/watching letterman
  18. paulstead

    paulstead User

    Hoping that means he's getting caught back up and dropping another batch.
  19. Eh, it only takes a few seconds to do this :p
  20. Looks like Andy went to bed so this account will live a little longer!
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