Can't Find Good HITs? 12/22

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by AlexeiRoquentin, Dec 22, 2012.

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  1. fred5283

    fred5283 User

    Basic Caption Requirements Review from Redwood
    is working for me atm!

    Edit: yea but it's kinda broken for me, can't switch the requirements met field from yes to no...was using chrome, gonna try firefox

    Edit2: yea, they are all dead for me now :(
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 22, 2012
  2. smorganie

    smorganie User

    I started doing them and the buttons were being sketchy so I opted out :/

    WIll have to wait for a good batch HIT I suppose.
  3. ForTheORB

    ForTheORB User

    So I think this means I will get $0.25 in bonus right?
    Total 18 14 100
    Selected Games [ 4, 6, 7, 25 ] 2 2 5
  4. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    45 i think, if you got 9 points in the 4 selected games...
  5. genie86333

    genie86333 User

    Got one hit, then it spit out it's "No more hits" message. Out of the 10 batches of hits, that was the only one that had ANY hits for me to work on.
  6. ForTheORB

    ForTheORB User

    I believe the reason he is doing it, is that if he gets 21 referrals he will get an iPad. 21 X 9 = $189 for an iPad. Good deal if it works.

    As far as not putting the hit on AMT: How I see it, it is a violation of AMT's TOS: by generating "referred" site visits or click-through traffic.
  7. rcb83

    rcb83 User

    Read the directions... If the button is turning red, you're checking someone elses work. You should only make it red of the work is wrong
  8. ForTheORB

    ForTheORB User

    My I must be tired. I see that now. Thanks Sasquatch!!
  9. smorganie

    smorganie User

    Sometimes there is nothing selected, which would mean the work being checked is wrong, I'm assuming.
  10. genie86333

    genie86333 User

    Nope. You can get your credit REPORT free once a year, so you can check to see if there's anything wrong. But they don't give you the credit scores for free.
  11. NYturker

    NYturker User

    Interested in this one. PM sent.
  12. ForTheORB

    ForTheORB User

    Not trying to be mean or anything but isn't TO for AMT? And since this seems to violate their TOS by generating "referred" site visits or click-through traffic I would be doing a disservice by giving him a good review. Also, I can't figure out how to leave a review on TO. Feel kind of dumb for not being able to do that. :(

  13. Because it is a MLM type system where the "host" gets $30 for you to sign-up for an offer and then they give you a kick-back on it.

    What I don't understand is why this is in this thread of this forum? I thought this was GREAT HITS ON MTURK not promote other people's MLMs....
  14. Andy

    Andy Administrator Staff Member

    Yeah let's try to keep MLM/aff arbitrage out of great HITS please.
  15. Yes! I loved those...hope they post more soon :-D
  16. Allikhat

    Allikhat User

    Yes, no answer is a wrong answer, so click the box and make it red.
  17. rcb83

    rcb83 User

    yes. that is correct.
  18. Sorry in advance if this is a stupid question... but how do we find out how much money we have made this week without going through and calculating in all of our pending approvals?
  19. brandonjones

    brandonjones Active Member

    There is a script that you can use with Greasemonkey called pending earnings that will tell you this info.
  20. smorganie

    smorganie User!

    Should probably get all those. Specifically the one for pending earnings.

    Otherwise, they send out an email weekly to tell you how much you earned.
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