Can't Find Good HITs? 12/22

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by AlexeiRoquentin, Dec 22, 2012.

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  1. msurvey

    msurvey User

    Which HITs? Wouldn't mind grinding something mindless out for an hour or two.
  2. paulstead

    paulstead User

  3. Fairjuno

    Fairjuno User

    That's cool. I'm using my Ego 1000 maH passthrough I just got a few days ago. The last one I had fell apart, but I like the upgrade much better.
  4. beanman25

    beanman25 User

    I'm a tad confused by this one. If it says Blue and has the color definition, but the picture is a blue flower is that a good/green result?
  5. paulstead

    paulstead User

    Great Tag Terms

    Bedroom, Celebration, Conflict, Dog, Failure, Humor, Ice cream, Laughter, Motion, Play, Rain, Risk, Romance, Sitting, Smile, Solitude, Success, Swimming, Tudor architecture, Vacation, Walking, Wind, etc.

    Forbidden Tag Terms (captured in other Tagasauris tasks)

    Filler words: Image, Lighting, Photograph, etc.
    Categories: Indoors or Outdoors, Day or Night, Face or No Face
    People Related Subjects: Age, Gender, or Ethnicity
    Photo Orientation: Horizontal, Panoramic, Square, or Vertical
    Color: Black and white, Red, Yellow, etc.
  6. klayslurey

    klayslurey User

    Title: Survey about your thoughts and moods. (WARNING: This HIT may contain adult content. Worker discretion is advised.)
    Requester: Amanda Ie [AMELRO7E0WY7Z] (TO)
    Description: Tell us about your thoughts, moods, and habits.
    Reward: $0.38
    Qualifications: HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 98, Location is US, Adult Content Qualification is 1
    [size=-2]Powered by non-amazonian script monkeys [/size]​

    Good TO, Took about 5 minutes
  7. bitler2000

    bitler2000 User

    Title: Catalog Genetic Mutations
    Requester: Cloud Labor [A2CY1IGTI4IG5D] (TO)
    Description: Help scientists catalog genetic causes of disease by annotating scientific abstracts.
    Reward: $0.07
    Qualifications: Gene-Mutation Qualifier is not less than 80, Total approved HITs is greater than 5000, HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 95, Location is US
    [size=-2]Powered by non-amazonian script monkeys [/size]​

    It took me two times to nail the qual for this one, and I am not sure how fast they pay or if they reject quickly, so I did about 10. Wish I felt comfortable enough to do more.
  8. phunk

    phunk User

  9. msurvey

    msurvey User

    Same, love the twist. I'm using Kangers though. About 4 months off and haven't even desired a real cig.
  10. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    okay instead of sitting here refreshing the page with absolutely no intention of doing hits, i'm gonna go do something constructive and clean the kitchen...
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 22, 2012
  11. TotalBabe

    TotalBabe Verified Leader

    Just a bit of general advice about running errands in these last days leading up until Christmas. Damn, people are losing their minds. This lady (and I will try to be politically correct by categorizing her as "large") ran into me so hard, she almost knocked me down. Now, mind you, I am about 5'5" and 112 lbs. and, again, she was rather big. She didn't even bother to apologize. Just a little public service announcement about the holiday madness.
  12. vordai

    vordai User

    I did 6 of them on the 20th as a test and they paid already. I think they'll be OK you just skip / return anything you're not sure about.
  13. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    also, for you actual ecig smokers, do you get the same feeling in your throat with ecigs as you do with regular cigs? i'm interested in them, but i'm honestly far less addicted to nicotine as i am the feeling of drawing the smoke in as well as giving my mouth something to do, and i've heard it's really not the same...
  14. paulstead

    paulstead User

    Total approved HITs is greater than 5000

    /hangs head in shame
  15. paulstead

    paulstead User

    I can't speak for the higher end ones, but all the ones I've tried I enjoyed. You still get the "hit" feeling in your throat/lungs, it's just not the same. I don't really know how to explain it.
  16. TotalBabe

    TotalBabe Verified Leader

    I'm doing this one now for $0.40 - I'll update on time after I'm done -

    9-15 Minute Research Survey
    Requester: Brian Lucas

    EDIT: It took me about 8 mins., and I wasn't exactly in a hurry.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 22, 2012
  17. msurvey

    msurvey User

    Depends on your setup (so you gotta do some research), but yeah you do/can. That's why I've been so successful with it I think. I've tried to quit a handful of times before but this doesn't even feel like quitting. I can stand around with a handful of smokers puffing away on this thing and it doesn't faze me.
  18. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    i honestly don't care about quitting, i just want something i can smoke in the house and i'm afraid from what i've heard that ecigs are like ultralights at best... MAYBE I SHOULD HAVE TRIED OUT SOME V2 CIGS DURING THE THANKSGIVING MEGA SALE AND HAWAIIAN CONDO GIVEAWAY
  19. Blazed

    Blazed User

  20. Dude, I'll give you some of my approved HITs. I have a few to share.
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