Can't Find Good HITs? 12/22

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by AlexeiRoquentin, Dec 22, 2012.

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  1. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    yes i did, i couldn't tell what it was at first but it's wrapped in bacon and that's all i really needed to know.

    EDIT: also this is not a knock on your steak... food photography is a lot harder than people think, and that's why they use fake or partially-cooked food in ads...

    really? i remember the giants and jets playing last xmas eve... i remembered there was no thursday night game, figured it might be to replace that... oh well. won't argue against a game to have on in the background on a painfully slow turk night...
  2. woyzeck

    woyzeck User

    Someone was talking about the cell dot HITs earlier. My 500+ were just approved.
  3. HappyFish

    HappyFish User

    Last year Christmas Eve was on Saturday and Christmas on Sunday, so games were regular IIRC. Since the holidays aren't on the weekends they will play around it.
  4. sikk66

    sikk66 User

    Requesters have 30 days to approve your HITs, so try not to focus too much on this. When I first started I would stress on this. It made my life a lot easier to not focus on it so much.
    As long as you do your work properly and make sure that you do work for reputable requesters, then it will go through.

    Welcome to mturk and welcome to the forums!
  5. HappyFish

    HappyFish User

    I would suggest scripts for TO, Pending Earnings, and auto approve time.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 22, 2012
  6. Does anyone else do the Ignite Media transcription HITS? I have been doing them most of the day and kinda like them... hope I am not in for a mass rejection.
  7. paulstead

    paulstead User

    It's all good, I didn't get the DSLR out for it or anything, I just snapped it with my phone.
  8. I have not had any issues with ignite. Just make sure you are doing good work and return anything you don't feel is right.
  9. bababooey

    bababooey Active Member

    Hey all, I just joined the forums although I am not new to turking. Good luck to everyone, thanks for all the helpful HITs, turkbros!
  10. paulstead

    paulstead User

    Welcome welcome welcome!!!!!111

  11. Thanks. Yes, I always try to do quality work.

    I am sitting at about 6K hits this month and I am trying to learn to do different hits when it is slow. I hope that way that eventually I can do things faster and have more selection. Gotta love the ADD brain. :)
  12. Sounds to me like you are on the right track. Efficiency is probably one of the most important things to work on. If you are able to put several hours a day in efficiency=more money =]
  13. BigMac

    BigMac Member

    There sure are a lot of new posters here today (myself included). Are there always so many new accounts?
  14. l1n7

    l1n7 User

    Cowfin offered cookies :p
  15. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    hey, where are you in brooklyn? that's the closest place i have to a home, even though i'll probably never live there again...
  16. ChrisM77

    ChrisM77 Banned

    I've somehow managed to get 11.59 today. Of course I want to gouge out my eyes with a rusty spoon now...
  17. janissary

    janissary User

    I just returned "Write Article about Addictive Drug News, Trends, or Treatment?" by RMN Industries for $5.00 / 350+ words.

    Looks like a great hit, awesome TO. Just don't have the time today. Go get it my friends.
  18. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    awesome, quite an accomplishment on a day like this. i just broke double digits, literally - $10.01. and totally ready to call it a day, too...
  19. sikk66

    sikk66 User

    I just broke 6.00. As slow as it's been 5.00 was my goal. I'll keep going if I can. I'd like to do 10 today
  20. BigMac

    BigMac Member

    I'm almost in Coney Island, very south. I'm from California though, so this is quite the change of scenery.
    At least you missed the hurricane!

    Not gonna lie, that's why I signed up.
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