Can't Find Good HITs? 12/20

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by smorganie, Dec 20, 2012.

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  1. gogoboots

    gogoboots User

    Sorry again. I'm going to go take a happy pill and some glaucoma medicine and get in a warm bath and try to feel my feet again. What a shitty g*ddamn night.[/QUOTE]

    My goodness I am so sorry hun! Take care of yourself.
  2. naisybee

    naisybee - Don't Blink -

    It was worth it. I'd rather try and possibly save his and/or an innocent victims life and me be a little worse for wear than have that happen. I'll live. And trust me, I try. What can I say? I have one hell of an effed up family..
  3. Yeah you don't get to pick who you are related to in life just do your best to keep yourself safe and sane if you are having to deal with family that is causing a lot of problems. Best wishes to you.
  4. paulstead

    paulstead User

    If anyone is doing Rubin's still, this is the site that Naisy was talking about:

    I haven't looked at it, so I don't know how much help it'll be. I just went through to find where she posted it.
  5. Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry you had to deal with your dad. I'm glad you're home safe and sound and warm now. I feel a bit weak because I just turned on my heater because it just dropped below...60 degrees. Brrrrr.

    That site you're looking for is I hope it helps you because it's done nothing for me. :( Good turkin' to you.
  6. bredeanf

    bredeanf User

    wow...I had a bunch of queued Rubins and watched them all expire one by one, that was awful especially because I was seconds away from submitting one
  7. naisybee

    naisybee - Don't Blink -

    Sorry .
  8. TurkaTurka

    TurkaTurka User

    Considering this was your first post, I don't think you have the right to say anything regarding what's posted here.
  9. pcereola

    pcereola User

    I wouldn't apologize you have nothing to be sorry for, that was his first post and he chose to post a negative comment that says it all right there. Real nice.
  10. jeli0babi

    jeli0babi User

    i kinda agree. BRING ON THE HITS!
  11. I'm all for the HITs too but if a good member needs to vent a little bit it's not a big deal to me. It's the holiday season maybe we could be nice to each other :)
  12. gogoboots

    gogoboots User

    People are really mean.......
  13. HappyFish

    HappyFish User

    Obviously somebody who was already banned just coming to be a turd
  14. marilynk

    marilynk User

    Sorry, naisybee. There are obviously some scrooges in this thread.
  15. jeli0babi

    jeli0babi User

    So dead on turk ): where is a nice requester to give us some holiday cheer
  16. TurkaTurka

    TurkaTurka User

    Anything decent up? Hoping CrowdSource posts some late night stuff. Or CrowdFlower posts this social media hits again. Best batch i've seen from CrowdFlower in awhile.
  17. Title: *** Read our Welcome Message and Tell Us If It Makes it Fast ***
    Requester: Chris Tarjeft [A1NA6C0U42WE3S] (TO)
    Description: Simple 30 second job, use a unique emaiI addy if you have done this before. Only once in 48 hours allowed per unique location.
    Reward: $1.00
    Qualifications: Location is US
    [size=-2]Powered by non-amazonian script monkeys [/size]​

    I did it a few hours ago and have already been paid.
  18. pcereola

    pcereola User

  19. bredeanf

    bredeanf User

    These Rubins aren't bad at all now that I know what the heck i'm doing
  20. Please enlighten me! I didn't know what I was doing, and I would really like to do them! lol
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