Can't Find Good HITs? 12/11

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Weezy, Dec 11, 2012.

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  1. dottommytm

    dottommytm User

    MedCrowd <3
    Gonna do this for a few hours, then going to a show tonight :)
  2. VSUTurker

    VSUTurker User

    Its moreso about getting my numbers up and it's better than Oscar Smith
  3. 3/5king

    3/5king User

    Hello David,

    I cannot today, but will review it tomorrow. I end my day at 4pm and I wouldnt be able to get you an answer fast enough.

    Rest assured there will be plenty left over tomorrow after I've reviewed your work.

    Thank you for your patience.

    ~ Mark L.

    Looks like I will be sitting this one out....well at least he answered fast and there's hope for tomorrow.
  4. Jak

    Jak User

    "Kamehameha Hwy"

    Yeah, it's right off Gohan Lane.
  5. how did you do that? I am at 70, which before I was at zero i think.
  6. tspencer929

    tspencer929 Member

    med crowd up...
  7. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    damn, mc batch just doubled... think i'll take my time with these articles lol...
  8. aphotic

    aphotic User

    I see 10,000+ and growing, so hopefully these will last a while. I better get some coffee.
  9. I originally had the 70 from the qual batch the other day. I emailed them earlier today, and just got an email back saying they review my HITs, and bumped my qual up. They also gave me a few notes on my performance.
  10. MikeTurk24

    MikeTurk24 Banned

    haha amen to that!
  11. MikeTurk24

    MikeTurk24 Banned

    Question: How many of these MEDCROWDs are you guys doing per minute?
  12. marilynk

    marilynk User

    How do you get a higher qualification than 70 for medcrowd?
  13. sssstaticccc

    sssstaticccc Banned

    I'm so sick of missing out on these
  14. VSUTurker

    VSUTurker User

    Also, another good thing about the Judicata HITs, they approve almost as quickly as I can do them. So if you're close to a milestone or #### qual, then I would use them to get up fast.
  15. JpRpNR

    JpRpNR Banned

    damn It Me too i want them... im just sitting here browsing...
  16. randomkidsrule

    randomkidsrule Active Member

    How long does each hit take on the medcrowds?
  17. Lori1985

    Lori1985 User

    Keep your eye out for Nadav and his tattoo hits. They only pay .01 or .02, can't remember which, but all you do is tag someones tats if they have any on a picture. They are really good for bringing up numbers and making money because they are so super fast. I made $17 off his last batch and he's what pushed me over 5K mark. He hasn't been around since the last week of November, I'm hoping he comes back soon. He got me over the 5K mark and would love to use him to get me over 10K LOL.
  18. MikeTurk24

    MikeTurk24 Banned

    I asked the same looks like an absurd amount of information he is asking for and you have to visit the website to get the info. I cant see anyone doing more than 1 of these a minute and thats what it would take to get over 10 dollars per hour.
  19. TurkaTurka

    TurkaTurka User

    You were supposed to email him.
  20. aphotic

    aphotic User

    Contact them and ask for it. They will usually bump you up and point out any problems you might have had in the qualification batch.
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