Can't Find Good HITs? 11/30

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by mtnsurf, Nov 30, 2012.

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  1. JenniLeigh

    JenniLeigh User

    These are only 5000! Yay! =-D I hope they stay like this until my approved catches up =-D
  2. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    i think i remember the find professor email ones being 50, these were 30 at least last friday because i was watching mine finally auto approve today...
  3. JenniLeigh

    JenniLeigh User

    My hand is gonna get awfully tired on our date.
  4. Blazed

    Blazed User

    wow impressive, how many pages did you have to dig through
  5. dottommytm

    dottommytm User

    I think that the alma mater ones are easier, and these pay 5 cents less.. fiajsdiashidahdsij
  6. roon83

    roon83 User

  7. Blazed

    Blazed User

  8. mtnsurf

    mtnsurf User

    You do know most likey when he is done with his project or what ever there will be no more hits. I can count the number of requestors on two hands that stick around for more then a month or so.
  9. woyzeck

    woyzeck User

    They also didn't have the 5000 qual 2-3 weeks ago.
  10. anyone remember good old medcrowd? Just a quick heads up, this batch of Mark is 15 cents a pop and it's pay as you go.
  11. Blazed

    Blazed User

    but...but...there will be more requestors, right?
  12. roon83

    roon83 User

    the adress is exactly this -->

    should I tag it as private?
  13. rek0nize

    rek0nize User

    I don't know if I'm willing to go that far on a first date, I'm kind of shy... :)
  14. evantdude

    evantdude Active Member

    Good evening all! Anything awesome to be working on right now?
  15. JenniLeigh

    JenniLeigh User

    They are private/protected
  16. l1n7

    l1n7 User

    hmm i dont even know. it wasnt much.
    i'm not doing anything right now though. giving my brain a break trying to figure out what i should do. idk if i want to make money with those rubins or try to get to 10k with those micheals and whats left of the ppc's.
  17. Blazed

    Blazed User

    Thats a broken link.
  18. JenniLeigh

    JenniLeigh User

    Doing them. They're a touch more work than the others...
    but I can lollygag through them while watching Star Trek. =-D
  19. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    that sounds more like a private/protected domain...

    in other news, i really wish rubin would give us an option to say 'course not available'
  20. roon83

    roon83 User

    So "bad url" or "private"?
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