Can't Find Good HITs? 1/3

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by nerdlaw, Jan 3, 2013.

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  1. bredeanf

    bredeanf User

    If Amazon Payments is having a technical error it might be on the requester end too so not many new HITs will be posted
    that's just my own theory
  2. Mumuudd

    Mumuudd User

    Well, this happens to me and my husband's amazon payments accounts too (he doesn't turk, he has it for selling stuff on amazon website). What is even weirder is that I logged in to my husband's amazon payments account, and at the top where it says "blablabla, Welcome to your Amazon Payments Personal Account" it says my name and not his name. There's something wrong with their systems I think and I sure hope it resolves quickly.

    EDIT: and he had over $100 on his amazon payments acc and they're all GONE to $0.00. And he's not worried, lol.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 3, 2013
  3. Never thought about it that way.

    This may be the lowest the hit total will be in a long time...

  4. gturk

    gturk User

    fk NETMSI straight scum
  5. Would also explain why some requesters that normally pay for approved hits within a couple hours... have been sitting in the approved state for quite some time.
  6. ... or we could give them a chance to fix whatever system error caused this to happen.

    I called them earlier and was told they were sending my account to the team that has to fix this, so they're aware of it.
  7. Were any of you that are having problems (everyone?) asked a couple of weeks ago to re-verify?

    Also, just proof that I'm not just making shit up for whatever reason..

  8. naisybee

    naisybee - Don't Blink -

    Can I have the number for them please? I can't find it.
  9. bredeanf

    bredeanf User

    Why are people so quick to go to the legal route? At least give someone a chance to solve (or even see) the issue before you conjure up the ghost of Johnny Cochran
  10. paulstead

    paulstead User

    Did I just get a phantom alert for Rubin course HITs?
  11. sikk66

    sikk66 User

    Yep, I got one too
  12. mscynni

    mscynni User

    About three weeks ago I logged in and it had me I think type in my social again or might have been my birthday. And said everything was okay. Other than that never got an email from them other then quarterly notice.
  13. I had to do the re-verify & had no issues. Everything states it's verified.

    Honestly I didn't have an issue until I went to "test withdraw" to see if my acct was working okay and when I tried that error started happening. Dammit.
  14. [​IMG]


    LOL... had to do it!
  15. Thanks for shattering my dreams.

  16. leftfield

    leftfield User

    I guess I'm not the only one with problems with payments. The night of Jan 1st I went to withdraw and my bank account wasn't there. I thought it was strange that it just disappeared with no warning or email. Hope they resolve this soon, I hate seeing my balance get so high in AP.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 3, 2013
  17. They prefer being called warlocks nowadays. ;3
  18. My restriction is gone!!!! Praise the amazon lords it is gone!

    EDIT... NO it isn't. The message went away when I logged in, and then I tried to withdraw and BAM it slapped me in the face again.
  19. Kind of off topic right around now but, anybody have the link for the Chrome add-on that refreshes the page and checks if there is a hit posted. I don't recall the name, but I remember seeing something like that. It was basically a faster version of TurkAlert that didn't involve emails.
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