Can't Find Good HITs? 1/3

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by nerdlaw, Jan 3, 2013.

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  1. ChrisM77

    ChrisM77 Banned

    Same problem here:
  2. PapaWolfie

    PapaWolfie User

  3. Wow who here has tried to withdrawl. Are you a Masters worker? Or is it everyone in general???
  4. If we all threaten lawsuit it will get resolved real quick. No company as big as Amazon wants that all over the news and national news. Think about that it would hurt their company.
  5. nerdlaw

    nerdlaw Banned

    I feel a lot safer having the money in my account instead of sitting in amazons pockets. Maybe im jsut paranoid, but ive heard of people getting suspended and not being able to take money out of late so i jsut assume take it out ASAP
  6. nerdlaw

    nerdlaw Banned

    I've made 5 withdrawals of over $1 in the past few hours with no problems
  7. Have you looked at the section on your Amazon profile where your tax information is located? They might just need you to re-verify something like they did with my account a couple months ago.
  8. Your tax information has been verified.
  9. I bet it is about the 1.00 withdrawls happening. See the thing we don't realize about being suspended technically we did the work, they can't withold that money. If you are a Contractor for Hire you can sue for work that was performed and you can get your money. What Amazon does is wrong. I think if we all start throwing lawyers and lawsuit things would change really quickly.
  10. I just tried and I got the same message. I withdrew yesteday with no I would assume their server is freaking out due to allowing the $1 . And no, they can't keep our money from us, but tech issues do happen.

    I am sure it will resolve & quickly.
  11. bitler2000

    bitler2000 User

    After what I woke up to today, I am agreeing with you.
  12. ChrisM77

    ChrisM77 Banned

    Well, I'd have to Turk for about 30 years to save enough money to take on Amazon, plus Amazon doesn't make a shit load of money from mTurk, so if we did hypothetically throw a bunch of lawyers their way, they would just shut the whole thing down. We'd be cutting off our nose to spite our face.

    Like tehrealkitten said, the system is probably full retard at the moment from nerdlaw making his forty eleven $1 withdrawals.
  13. ^ lol'd :becky:
  14. Danjo

    Danjo New Member

    First time poster, long time lurker.

    I have the same problem. I can't withdraw. I can't really even do anything. When I try to go into my account settings to verify that all my information is accurate - it tells me that I can't even do that.

    This functionality has been disabled on your account. We have failed in verifying the information submitted by you. Click here to find out more about these restrictions.

    I sure hope this all gets resolved. I have a few hundred bucks I need to withdraw to pay rent soon....
  15. Honestly... this stuff happen with all companies, no matter who you work for. And online companies have even more issues due to internet/server/computer issues. I am sure within 48 hours all will be resolved.

    But I can understand your concern (especially those with large amts not withdrawn).
  16. Not bad at all. I'm getting at the most 1:20 min per hit. Great numbers too :D
  17. nerdlaw

    nerdlaw Banned

    im at 81 cents ill do another one shortly to see if it works! ;-)
  18. I'll end you.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 3, 2013
  19. prothis

    prothis User

    First, welcome!

    Second, I'm getting the same errors, won't let me do anything, including edit my info, bank account, etc. Like tehrealkitten said, it's probably just an error and will be fixed within a couple of days. If not, then some phone calls probably need to be made and some hell possibly raised. But until then, patience isn't gonna kill anyone.

    Edit: not to mention, I just checked, and their offices aren't even open to call right now. If there's a problem on their end, at least wait until a few business hours have passed before wondering if there's reason to freak out.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 3, 2013
  20. mscynni

    mscynni User

    With them having a freeze on my payments account I am afraid to turk and then them tell me I am screwed go find a new job.
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