Can't Find Good HITs? 1/3

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by nerdlaw, Jan 3, 2013.

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  1. NYturker

    NYturker User

    Just copy and paste it.

    It will automatically do so.
  2. paulstead

    paulstead User

    Yes. Your best bet is to copy and paste from the navigation bar. Less margin for forgetting to put it there. If you're copying from underneath the Google result, you're gonna have a bad time.
  3. beanman25

    beanman25 User

    the android app one approved in 5 minutes. very easy to test the app.
  4. Jonathon

    Jonathon User

    Select the entire URL, Press Ctrl+C, and then paste it. It should automatically input the http://
  5. Swig5

    Swig5 User

    Funny.... I am watching Full House Re runs with my daughter right now.
  6. Ciliatus

    Ciliatus User

    Thanks. Follow-up dumb question. Does the two minutes start from the time I get to the bottom of the page or just from the time the page loads? I forgot to go to the bottom before I started my timer. Doh!
  7. MandyB

    MandyB User

    I still have 1 pending from the 29th, all the other ones have been approved a few days ago. Really weird.
  8. jckruth

    jckruth User

    Hey guys! I took most of last week and this week off. I was really hoping to login and see a lot of great HITs posted, but I guess it isn't going to happen today. I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year's. I guess I will go watch some TV or something. Does anyone know how long we can expect for it to be this slow? (I'm assuming this is due to the holidays, correct me if I am wrong)
  9. paulstead

    paulstead User

    The 2 minutes is the timer on the HIT itself. Has nothing to do with the search result you're looking at.
  10. The fastest way is to do ctrl+L then ctrl+C to copy the URL, then ctrl+shift+tab back to the hit and paste it in.
  11. the two minute waiting time for the delf HITs is a pain.
  12. NYturker

    NYturker User

    I'm going to guess that they are viewing the time that it take to complete the HIT (from accept to submit)

    So if you have a HIT completion time of 20 seconds, they will reject. But if the time of the HIT is 2:15, then it will be accepted.

    Just my guess.
  13. On these delf hits are you guys waiting the two minutes to do another search? doesn't seem worth it to me. Or can you have multiple windows open?
  14. MandyB

    MandyB User

    A Crowdflower HIT:

    Male (The author is a boy or man)
    Female (The author is a girl or woman)

    I am soooo glad they explain the difference between male and female, I KNOW I would have been rejected otherwise.

    Find out the Gender of the Author (157215)

    Requester: CrowdFlower Reward: $0.04 per HIT HITs Available: 109 Duration: 60 minutes
    Qualifications Required: None
  15. SupaDupa

    SupaDupa User

    These are something I do while working on something else as well. Just sitting there for 2 minutes is a waste of time.

    Anyone have a clue as to why you have to wait?
  16. So.. Since you have to RETURN the Delf hits that don't yield the desired address, this means, if this does indeed occur, we will be left with a few lingering Delf HITs that we are unable to complete...
  17. pcereola

    pcereola User

  18. vividgrim

    vividgrim User



  19. awol

    awol User

    He wants the visit to the website not to be a 'bounce', i.e. count as a valid visit. He doesn't care about the time you take to do the HIT, just the time you spend on the web page, but he can't monitor that directly.
    That's the best I can come up with.
  20. I'm guessing he's trying to improve the stats for the average length of time visitors spend on these sites. Which I'm pretty sure would be a violation of Amazon's policies, but hey, as long as he pays I ain't complaining.
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