Can't Find Good HITs? 1/2/2013

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by er111a, Jan 2, 2013.

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  1. vividgrim

    vividgrim User

  2. leftfield

    leftfield User

    Did anyone ever hear back on the broken HIT where you count the apple products? I think it was supposed to be a $2 bonus. I never got a reply but I didn't submit it.
  3. bitler2000

    bitler2000 User

    I got 103 in.
  4. hockeyav

    hockeyav Active Member

    My head hurts. I ended up doing 206 of them.
  5. HappyFish

    HappyFish User

    I correctly got $2.50
  6. izzxpopz

    izzxpopz User

    Got 80 of em' penny hits in :)
    just 100 away from 1,000 completed!

    HELENB User

    My friend hasn't received the email yet, but here's the requester info. SIRIUSProject $4 - Survey on Human Behavior - only for participants in a previous survey (12/21/12)
  8. pieper

    pieper User

    Yes, I was shocked when I got mine from them...funny story though. It was Thanksgiving time...they had pictures of dead turkeys (cooked, but dead). I must have been really tired that day because I checked ALL the dead turkeys as embarrassing

    HELENB User

    My friend hasn't received the email yet, but here's the requester info. SIRIUSProject $4 - Survey on Human Behavior - only for participants in a previous survey (12/21/12)
  10. hockeyav

    hockeyav Active Member

    I got 2.50 as well
  11. gogoboots

    gogoboots User

    I only got .50 too.. when I should have gotten 2.50... and IM PISSED OFF ABOUT IT!!!! lol... I kinda am tho..
  12. pieper

    pieper User

    I incorrectly got $.50...but I'll take it.
  13. mikey

    mikey User

    RUBIN - Approve the hits from 3 days ago, I'm sick of waiting.
  14. LostCrow

    LostCrow User

    I got 2.50 but I was only suppose to get .50. Weird but i'm not complaining.
  15. pieper

    pieper User

    I'm kind of wondering if I messed some of those was 25 per page, ten the amount I missed was deducted? Some of those pages I wondered about whether I got right or not...
  16. I got about 5-6 1 cents in. If 1/3rd my submitted gets approved, I am finally over the 1000 mark.
  17. sikk66

    sikk66 User

    He has already approved some of my course HITs from today. Weird...
  18. LostCrow

    LostCrow User

    Stupid fucking Captcha. Suspended for 5 minutes and I know I entered them correctly.
  19. Some how big is the risk of doing this Mark Lepper penny hits? He only had 1 or 2 TO's if I recall right.
  20. mikey

    mikey User

    Thats a good sign, maybe he finally will start approving his backlog from the last few days. He used to approve in between the batches on the same day, so I have been anxious about the ones I did over the weekend, especially with the reports of him rejecting and blocking people.
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