Business Card Image will not load

Discussion in 'Oscar Smith' started by SpiceShow24, Jan 30, 2013.

  1. SpiceShow24

    SpiceShow24 Member

    I apologize if this is a stupid question but I am very new to turking. This morning I am trying to do some oscar hits but when i accept the hit I get a message where the care typically is that says an error occurred in loading please refresh. And if there were any issues or concerns to contact them and provided an email. I have emailed them my quality score with oscars right now is 86 so i am wondering if that is what is holding me back?
  2. vividgrim

    vividgrim User

    No, my score is 94 and I am also experiencing this, so that can't be it.
  3. Welcome to the world of Oscar. TO save your score, don't return HITs.
  4. Ranjini

    Ranjini New Member

    Are u a trusted worker?
  5. ewd76

    ewd76 User

    I agree with soughtseven on the not returning hits. At least figure something out from the card to put in. Even that's it's unreadable or not a business card. It will be accepted and you'll be paid.
  6. Neona

    Neona User

    Are you using IE or Firefox? If you are trying to open the hits in Internet explorer that could be your problem. Alot of hits don't load right with IE, you need to do them in Firefox or Google Chrome.
  7. ewd76

    ewd76 User

    At the time it was a problem with all browsers.
  8. maggilakshmi

    maggilakshmi Member

    My score before is 92 and now 88 how it is happening i completed 300 hits.And sugest me how can i increase my score
  9. maggilakshmi

    maggilakshmi Member

    no i am not trusted worker and i am trying to get trusted
  10. I wouldn't waste your time doing that maggila. He will just drop your score for various reasons. I heard of one guy who was a trusted worker for 3 years and then automatically his score got dropped to a verycan't low level and now he can't do any of them anymore. It's just not a good company in my opinion. At first I was really excited and confused why everyone put Oscar Hits down, but now I understand why.

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