"Approved Pending Payment"

Discussion in 'General' started by bumonskateboard6, Aug 15, 2012.

  1. I have hundreds and hundreds of HITS that have been sitting for about 5 days that say "Approved - Pending Payment". I've been on mturk for over a month, and gotten paid/cashed out multiple times, usually everything that's approved changes to "paid" over night for me. Any idea why these are sitting like this for so long?
  2. Requesters have up to 30 days to pay you. Could be any number of things.
  3. Gottcha, well hopefully it pays sooner than that haha
  4. I have had HITs approved on the same day from the same requester and some are "Paid" and the rest are "Approved - Pending Payment". I always found this curious.
  5. Scott

    Scott User

    I know there is a script you can add to firefox that will allow you to see what is owed in the "Pending"
    Just got to remeber to click on it to update.. though right now I am only owed about $1.81 :)
  6. Stlrfn

    Stlrfn Banned

    Requesters have up to 30 days to approve/reject your hit not actually 30 days to pay your hit after it is approved. If you have had many hits approved but not paid for many days you do have an issue somewhere. It maybe with your tax information, account limit information (new accounts have a limit of $500 wd without a CC and bank account added to amazon payments) or many other issues with AMT.
  7. stormsyr

    stormsyr User

    True dat. I had this happen to me at first. Once I got my bank set up they were still stuck in the approved - pending payment, so I messaged mturk support about it, and two days later they were all paid.
  8. Ahh okay I'll probably message mturk then because I have my tax info listed as verified and a bank account and credit card already linked with amazon payments.
  9. Whimsy

    Whimsy User

    Did you get that resolved by writing to support? I had about $20 worth of HITs "stuck" at Payment Pending, over a week old. It was cleared up after a couple of emails. The first email was a seemingly auto-response telling me they had 30 days to approve/reject.
  10. primo8998

    primo8998 Member


    I started Aug 11th. I too have "approved - payment pending" on all 175. I'll wait another week and follow up with Amazon if nothing changes.
  11. pattyp

    pattyp Active Member

    Confused as well...

    When I first signed up for Mechanical Turk, I read in the payments section that once a HIT has been approved, you're paid automatically. So I don't understand the need for pending payments.

    ***Edit: I think I've figured it out***

    When the requesters approve our HITs and the payment is pending, it's the same process as when we withdraw our funds from Amazon Payments. When we initiate a withdrawal from our Amazon Payments account balance to our bank accounts or credit/debit cards, the money doesn't show up right away. Amazon Payments has to approve, initiate, and complete the transaction. The requesters have to go through the same thing, except instead of withdrawing to their bank accounts, the money from their prepaid balance is distributed to their workers. So, it takes up to 7 business days for money to transfer to our bank accounts, so I would guess that our "Payment pending" state should last this long as well.

    However, I will say that when I initiate a withdrawal from my Amazon Payments account to my bank account, the transaction is approved, initiated, and completed within the hour, and the money is in my bank account by the next morning without fail. I've done 5 withdrawals since I started turking about 2 weeks ago, and it's always been like this for me. But I would guess that it varies from person to person. My transactions are completed in less than 24 hours, while others may take the full 7 days.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2013

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