Answers for All of Your Recently Joined Questions

Discussion in 'General' started by NateMcCheezy, Mar 15, 2013.

  1. Hello, new turkers and new forum users alike!

    Here is a centralized thread where you can ask all of your questions about basically anything! Don't know how to see your rep, wondering what TO means, need good words to use for NetMSi HITs? Ask these sorts of questions here, and receive a timely response from our wonderful Senior Members.

    Happy turking!
    SUWAN LECHOWICZ and Dobbz like this.
  2. imthecrew

    imthecrew Member

    where can i to reviews?

  3. You may need to retype this question...
  4. LadyBug

    LadyBug User

    I keep seeing people mention TO but I have no idea what it means. Help please!
  5. FNAkun

    FNAkun Banned

    Is there anyway to update the Pending HIT's dollar amount? It's been showing up as $47 for the past few days, and I'm sure I have more than that in pending HIT's.

    Edit: That was surprisingly simple. Thanks Sanurah!
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2013
  6. Sanurah

    Sanurah User

    Click on it, it will cause it to update.
  7. Yeah, click it to update, and if it still doesn't work, maybe start using HIT database instead.
  8. Wizard

    Wizard User

    Can anyone tell me how to get check4change to work for a specific requester? I have it installed and my database keep updating, but that's as far as I was ever able to get. TIA
  9. Search for a requester. Highlight the text "Your search did not match any HITs." and right click on your mouse. Scroll down to Check4Change, and choose your desired refresh rate.

    Here's the tutorial:
  10. douglife31

    douglife31 User

    I see a lot of audio transcribing things that have a certain name and a number. Does this mean those are reserved for certain members?
  11. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    If you see a HIT posted with a certain Worker ID, yes it's reserved for that particular worker.

    I don't know about the audio ones but often times when there's a problem with surveys/study, the requesters sometimes will put up a HIT to make up for it.
  12. dinotoria

    dinotoria User

    What kind of search terms do yall use to find good HITs?
    I want to be able to contribute to the Great HITs thread, but I never know how to find really good stuff.
  13. Wizard

    Wizard User

    Thanks so much. I had tried everything I could find, and none of it made sense. I really appreciate the help.
  14. raitch

    raitch User

    Is there a trick or a script to change the "next" or ">>" buttons into a keystroke? I feel like I lose so much time mousing down to the next button on every screen.
  15. I don't really use search terms, I just filter by Most Hits Available, or Newest Hits Created. Or, sort the HITs by the amount paid. There's a lot of ways to go about it.
  16. You can always hit Tab until it highlights the "next" or ">>" and then click Enter.
  17. douglife31

    douglife31 User

    So i have asked a couple questions via message on turk and I'm not seeing any sort of inbox or anything? do these just show up in my email when they answer?
  18. Yes, they will show up in your email inbox. Make sure you check your spam folder, as well.
  19. nodnizzle

    nodnizzle User

    It depends on what I feel like doing that day. If it's a survey kind of day then I'll probably type in survey and arrange the results by newest first. If I feel like writing or something I'll type in article, rewrite or anything that has to do with writing and arrange by highest paying.

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