Afraid of my account being suspended.

Discussion in 'General' started by sajeev raghunathan, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. I have a serious problem here, I have got 2 hard block 3 or 4 months ago, and a block yesterday. I don't know why the requester prevented me from working his hits, the work was approved and paid. But after that, when I tried to do his work, I get the message that, the requester has chosen me from working on his hits. I have contacted him, but there's no reply till now. I didn't receive a mail from mturk stating that they have chose to block me. My doubt is that will I be suspended, or will I be able to carry on with this? Please help me out guys.
  2. There's a difference between a hard block and a soft block... a hard block is when you receive an email from Amazon saying you've been blocked and warning you to, basically, watch the quality of your work. A soft block is a block a requester will put on you just to ensure you don't repeat a task (Wharton Business School is one that pops to mind that does this).

    So if you didn't receive a message that you were blocked from this requester I wouldn't worry about it; Amazon doesn't suspend you for soft blocks.
  3. yes till now, I haven't receivd any mail from mturk.
  4. If the message was displayed while u tried to work on the hit,then its nothing to fear bout coz its just gona be soft block...May be he doesnt want duplicate results...He/she myt remove it the case u havnt recvd a mail from Mturk it must be a soft block !!
  5. I contacted the requester and he gave me this message.


    Thanks for your email. I am willing to unblock you for now, but I do want to express some concern. The two transcriptions you sent in had a number of passages with mis-transcriptions of the audio. On my side that means a lot of clean up work to fix or correct those passages. It took typically 3-4 times as much time to review your submissions as other submissions I get. I approved your submission because as a rule I try to approve as many HIT submissions as I can. I know the rejections have a strong negative impact on your ability to get work in MTurk.

    That being said, please be sure to double check what you submit in the future. If I get more submissions that need extensive corrections, I will re-block because it's simply too much work otherwise."

    But I am pretty sure that I have transcribed it completely. All I left out was some utterence, according to the guidelines. Anyway I am happy that he reversed the block. :)
  6. prakashkl

    prakashkl User

    Tht was a soft block. In softblocks requester will take back the qualification of us in doing their hits. These blocks won't be conveyed to amazon. Since u had no more blocks during last 3 months, past blocks r immaterial now.
  7. alian1980

    alian1980 User

    Does Amazon resets the hard blocks after 3 months?
  8. Good question. I don't see it happening, but it's possible.
  9. Yes they do b sure u can just contact the mturk team after the period and they will tell ya tht no block exists...Usually when we get a hard block Mturk mails us bout it and they keep the case open for a few months after which the session of watch out on our account ceases.That is, the risk of our account being suspended ends ...

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