Account suspended

Discussion in 'General' started by jeetu303, Nov 1, 2010.

  1. jeetu303

    jeetu303 Member

    My account is suspended. I was withdraw amount from my current balance before suspended my account. Check is not yet disburse. Can i get my withdrawal amount from Mturk... Please reply me.
  2. I have a question how many HITS have you done and How many rejections do you currently have.
  3. sonica

    sonica User

    You will get the funds if you received an email informing that your check has been posted, notifying the exchange rate used. If not, the money is gone.

    Do let us know if you get the check. A forum member posted the same question I believe about a month ago.
  4. jeetu303

    jeetu303 Member

    I have not received check conformation. so means i lost money yaaa?

    Hey guys if you have no knowledge about Mturk why you suggest wrong think. Mturk is issue check when withdraw money before suspension.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 4, 2010
  5. kshiva2k

    kshiva2k New Member

    I'm using mturk for 4 months and earned some 300$. I even applied for money withdrawal twice and withdraw 200$. suddenly my account was suspended without reason last week. i had completed approximately 6000 HITs, HITs approval rate is more than 99%. but still my account was suspended without any explanation. last week i contacted them through "contact-us" page, but so far no response from them.
  6. Tiger

    Tiger User

    If you have no knowledge of the English language why do you work on MTurk? :rolleyes:
  7. jeetu303

    jeetu303 Member

    Tiger you are right i have no knowledge of english...
  8. @kshiva2k
    They are cheating many workers
    They are cheating money from many workers
    They will never respond to your emails again and also you will not get your money

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