A Call To Arms!

Discussion in 'General' started by TammyJo, Sep 19, 2009.

  1. TammyJo

    TammyJo Member

    Something really should be done about these spammers that make sure their submit buttons don't work properly. I can usually spot them a mile away now, but I see these hits being scooped up and spit back out all day long, and it makes me mad for the people that are obviously being tricked by these crooks. F.Y.I, here' a couple of them everyone should avoid:

    Fill out your email, thats it(USA Only)
    Jose J Reyes

    Landing Page Submission Form Test. Make an Easy 2 Dollars. Takes only a few minutes to complete.
    Joe Hector

    Website 4th Page Landing Page Form Submit Test Make and Easy 2 Dollars
    Joe Hector

    Help us with our new ZIP Submit
    Bobby Knight

    Find Any Glitch with this Page?

    Remember people, if it sounds like a ridiculous amount of money for something a smart piece of toast could do, then it's probably a spammer, and spammers don't pay.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 19, 2009
  2. justfight

    justfight User

    Well, I've seen them but haven't worked on any of them yet as mostly it's for US only. BTW, are you 100% sure that these Requesters don't pay?

    I wish to add one of my wonderful experiences too with one such Requester, but I can't, because the quote in my goddamn signature prevents me from doing so.
  3. TammyJo

    TammyJo Member

    Yes I'm certain. They are doing something to make their hits un-submittable. Every now and then, when you go to submit a hit, you will get a message telling you that there was a problem and you need to try again in a bit. Normally, this is not due to any negligence on the requester's part, and the issue is usually cleared up shortly.

    However, these particular requesters in question have managed to figure out that they can basically render their submit button inoperable. Of course, you can't know this until you've already done what they asked. It's a win-win for them; you do what they wanted and then you're forced to either return the hit or abandon it. Either way, they don't pay.
  4. ergo

    ergo User

    A bigger issue than the Submit buttons being made not to work is that all of those HITs you listed violate MTurk policies. Requesters are not allowed to solicit e-mail address, physical address, phone or other private information from workers.
  5. TammyJo

    TammyJo Member

    Why is there no one assigned to the task of keeping these people in check. It seems like it would be so simple; I mean, it's not like they disguise themselves well.
  6. ergo

    ergo User

    It would be very simple indeed, especially considering it's the same few people who just keep signing back up for MTurk again every time they get banned. I wrote a post about it recently here: http://www.mturkforum.com/showthread.php?t=1130

    A requester friend of mine brought up the issue with Amazon, and Amazon said they're getting ready to roll out some changes soon that will improve the situation. Let's hope so, because this is ridiculous.
  7. TammyJo

    TammyJo Member

    I have seen sites out there that are actually handing out step-by-step instructions to spammers, teaching them how to usurp the rules on MTurk and other similar sites. I hope something is done soon, because our new neighbors are bringing down the property value.
  8. ergo

    ergo User

    When you find sites like those, would you mind sending me a PM with the link? I do report such things to Amazon to keep them abreast of the problem, although I continue to be disappointed with their slow response to the issue. Things are really getting out of hand now due to their inaction.

    If I lived in Seattle or could afford to travel there, you can bet I'd be out in front of the Amazon offices with a picket sign demanding change.
  9. sonica

    sonica User

    I have heard that Amazon is really considering some changes to stop these spammers. There was a meeting recently where they reviewed suggestions put forward by workers.
    Let's hope this time they do something to protect workers.
  10. I will click on the hit, click on the link and then what you do is look at the page and don't accept it yet. Then if I see it is a scam I just opened a link and they don't get junk from me that way. Is Amazon really going to do something? Or are they just stating this information once again?
  11. ergo

    ergo User

    They told some requesters at the NY Mechanical Turk meetup that they were going to be doing something about it very soon, so I hope it's true.
  12. xeroblade

    xeroblade Member

    Its Crazy

    I think its just crazy, mturk is being ruined like everything else on the net by spammers. I report them all the time, but they just keep coming:mad:
  13. Noliah

    Noliah User

    What kind of a sad low-life enjoys spending time screwing with people they don't even know? I've actually spent time thinking about this, and of course I've come up with all kinds of explanations, from angry, pimple-faced, lonely brainiacs to someone who's just trying to get other workers to quit so they can grab the hits. I know, kind of far fetched, but that's how irritating it is! I mean, who can get a thrill, probably jumping with glee, when they've managed to rob someone of a few cents? Kind of sad.

    And I have a question, too. How can I be racking up so many "abandoned" hits--32 so far. Is that what happens when I click the "skip this hit" button? Because if it's not, then how in the world has it gotten that high? I haven't just left a hit that many times, usually due to the links not working correctly, or getting tired of a .03 hit going on for an hour or so......(slight exaggeration :p )

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