$2, 10 minutes, complete unfinished sentences; >90%, >500, qualification task

Discussion in 'Do My HIT!' started by gd571, Nov 12, 2014.

  1. gd571

    gd571 New Member

    Please check out the HITs titled Complete Unfinished Sentences (University of Maryland -- Linguistics Department) by the University of Maryland Linguistics Research Group. These HITs pay $2 for ~10 mins of work. There are about 30 HITs with these titles, so if you don't see it please search again
  2. Tjololo

    Tjololo Pony Staff Member

    I think I remember these hits, I'm not qualified for them because I took the test and got a 2. If I remember the qual test correctly, very few people actually passed it. That was a rough one.
  3. BloodRayen

    BloodRayen User

    checked the qual and have to say it is tough. especially the multiple answer ones leave room for the correct answer.

    past the test with an 8, should be doable though (location stops me from doing the actual HITs)
  4. gd571

    gd571 New Member

    Thank you both for your interest. Yes, unfortunately, because of the nature of the task we must restrict many of our tasks to participants who speak a very specific variety of English.

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