Can't Find Good HIT's? 12/8

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Weezy, Dec 7, 2012.

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  1. wonkatonka

    wonkatonka User

    You have to manually add a certificate exemption to your browser. But I wouldn't bother. Their system seems to be messed up. It either allows you to do one HIT and then tells you there's no more you can do because you have done them before or it tells you that you scored too low. I got the former reason which I found strange because I've only done a single Redwood HIT before, and that was in September. They're off for the weekend, so you could drop them a message via Mturk and then wait for a response on Monday.
  2. rek0nize

    rek0nize User

    I feel you man. I got a gay friend at work who comes over with his partner to hang out. Watching 2 dudes give brain to each other isn't up on my list to watch, but they are cool dudes and I dont have any problem with what they do. Don't mind gay people at all, just because I don't want to watch that stuff or be apart of it, doesn't mean I can't be great friends with them.
  3. TurkaTurka

    TurkaTurka User

    Did you see the head kick that Cruickshank gave Martinez earlier? That's going to be tough to be for KO of the night.
  4. rek0nize

    rek0nize User

    Prelims? I missed that, I'll have to find a vid online later to catch them.
  5. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    i missed the prelims, i'm just waiting to see how chubby bj comes in to the fight, watch gustaffson wreck shogun's shit, and some epic diaz ownage...
  6. wonkatonka

    wonkatonka User

    Yeah, my first month there we went to a bar together. well it was the tony romas bar, but a bar nonetheless. I only turk because a) it keeps me from falling asleep at work or being board in between sessions b) it pays for my gas. I'd rather use my salary on meaningful stuff like food, gifts for people, rent, etc.
  7. TurkaTurka

    TurkaTurka User

    hahaha chubby bj.

    I think Rory will take it. I got Gustaffson & Diaz.
  8. TotalBabe

    TotalBabe Verified Leader

    This one is easy for $0.25 - took about 2 mins. with a possible bonus of up to $1.00 -

    Complete a very short survey and task
    Requester: William Minozzi
  9. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    yeah, i'm not totally confident about diaz, henderson's really good but a boring champ i'd just as soon see lose, plus, it's a freakin' diaz bro... smokes weed, throws 500 punches a fight, and doesn't afraid of anything...
  10. Grubbsy11

    Grubbsy11 User

    Seeing some of the straight porn hits makes me cringe sometimes. That doesnt mean I have anything against straight people. Does a straight person being moderately disgusted by gay porn make them homophobic? Absolutely not. But if they make a big deal about it they might not be the most secure in their own sexuality. I'm gay by the way, but that's beside the point. :)
  11. Last edited by a moderator: Dec 8, 2012
  12. mtnsurf

    mtnsurf User

    Thank you again for your work on imsportz. We are going to be adding a lot more
    HITS over the next few days.

    Based on your input we have again made the HITS in categories by schools.
    Though it means, a little more work to search
    for HITS, it means that you will be assured of getting all the HITS for one
    school. We hope this will make your work go
    faster, and be more accurate.

    Please let us know if you have any questions.


    imsportz team.
  13. TotalBabe

    TotalBabe Verified Leader

    For $0.50 - took me under 4 mins. - super easy -

    Research on Conflict Around the World, should take 5-10 minutes, will usually pay within 24 hours
    Requester: Thomas C. O'Brien
  14. jrh001

    jrh001 User

    Terrible TO on this one...
  15. Kris

    Kris User

    If you did a survey for Thomas J Leeper last week, check your email for the follow-up.
  16. Nikki

    Nikki TOTM

  17. wonkatonka

    wonkatonka User

    I just got this from Imzsport Admin.


    Also, does Amazon make money off of Mturk?

    Which one was that?
  18. ntucker1

    ntucker1 Banned

    It's really not good to equate homosexuality with bestiality for obvious reasons
  19. anne53

    anne53 User

  20. TurkaTurka

    TurkaTurka User

    Yup I got one
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